String Arrays and Cable Boxes - Favorite to Channel Number Linking
I'm using the XCH- SNAPI method for dialing favorites with a cable box.
How do I convert a channel value into ascii text?
If most_recent_button shows a value of 181 in the debugger, it actually sends "XCH-$DA".
I need the syntax that will send that number as a decimal.
How do I convert a channel value into ascii text?
most_recent_button = (PUSH_CHANNEL - 2000) SEND_COMMAND vdvDirecTVHR24, "'XCH-',most_recent_button"
If most_recent_button shows a value of 181 in the debugger, it actually sends "XCH-$DA".
I need the syntax that will send that number as a decimal.
That's twice in 1 weekend. Thank you, thank you!
I owe you lunch.
Ping me when you're in Chicago.
- Alec
Hope your weekend was as productive as mine.