Saving Color Palettes - Name Unpreserved
It's quite convenient - to be able to export and import palettes from one panel to another, however it's very frustrating that the names given to each cell are lost in the process of saving the file. If the name doesn't save, it pretty much removes the point of giving the cells names in the first place, and then makes it very difficult to create and maintain a successful standard (especially when others create their own palettes to adjust the theme.)
Also, while I'm thinking on it, the ability to move a cell from one cell to another while preserving the attached buttons, backgrounds, etc... would be extremely helpful. As it stands, all one can do it copy and paste one cell to another, but this leaves all the corresponding files left attached to the previous cell - this is very frustrating when attempting to come up with an efficient palette standard.
Anyone have any tricks concerning this, constructive thoughts or supporting ideas?
Also, while I'm thinking on it, the ability to move a cell from one cell to another while preserving the attached buttons, backgrounds, etc... would be extremely helpful. As it stands, all one can do it copy and paste one cell to another, but this leaves all the corresponding files left attached to the previous cell - this is very frustrating when attempting to come up with an efficient palette standard.
Anyone have any tricks concerning this, constructive thoughts or supporting ideas?
You can always use TPDesign4's Search & Replace feature to perform a panel-wide change from the original palette index reference to the new one. Just open the Search & Replace dialog, check the source color property that you wish to search on (e.g., Fill Color), choose the original palette index, then check and choose the new palette index from the replacement side. A click to "Replace All" will make the change.
I'm not sure that's any less work than just typing it in manually. In fact, it may be more.
I've just made a text file of the index labels, and open it up on a second monitor when working with an imported palette. As long as you stick to the same scheme, one works for all.
Besides, that still doesn't fix the problem of losing index name information during the process of importing and exporting palettes, so every time someone unfamiliar with my palettes tries to make changes, they have to carry the two page documentation on what everything is, instead of me simply including a name description in the program itself.
Nothing like a good gripe.
I might be missing a detail here, but you wouldn't be searching by color, you would be searching by palette index. For instance, if you are moving your "Standard Button Background" color from palette index 10 to index 20, go ahead and do so in the Palette Editor. Then, from the Search & Replace dialog, choose to search on Fill Color, choose palette index 10 to search on, then choose to replace Fill Color, and choose palette index 20 to replace with. Then a Replace All will change all references to palette index 10 in Fill Color to index 20.