MVP File XFER Problems

I started having trouble tranferring TPD4 files to the Theater MVP-8400i today and it has me quite puzzled. I see the TP in the connection manager and I start the transfers process but when it gets to the "getting panel hierarchy" it times out. I saved the file as a new filename and tried again with no luck. I've rebooted the panel the master and my PC and no luck, several times. These were wirelss network attemps and I can see the TP in the connection manager and connect via telnet w/o problems, I have a great wireless connection, although I haven't started sniffing with Ethereal to see if something is saturating the netowork with broadcasts. The networks seem fine so it's not likely. I was able to connect and tranfer via USB but that required a battery removal and reboot after the transfer reboot and get out of the splash screen. I'm not sure what the TPD4 file size was when I started this but it's now 40.8 megs after I removed my working bak up pages and other useless pages. I just tried to resend a new file via VPN connection hope that it would work since the last transfer and smaller file was load but alas no joy.
The panel otherwise works fine, it's just a pain to update the files.
Any ideas?
The panel otherwise works fine, it's just a pain to update the files.
Any ideas?
No the wireless should be fine as I can transfer to other TPs, Masters, etc. The Theater has a WAP in it and my signal strenght is excellent. My first thought was a corrupted file or a file that's too large which is why I cleaned out the unecassary pages and pop ups. I didn't get a memory warning though. I also can'tseem to find a show mem command in the telnet session for the TP. How do you go about finding it's avaialable memory?
Well that's show me w/ 48 megs left. My TPD4 file is 40.8 megs and I assume the TP needs to have enough memory available for what is currently running plus what you want to transfer and upon sucessfull transfer in will free up the memory allocated for the previous program. If this is true I should still be fine w/ 7.2 megs to spare so is it the VXworks ftp that is corrupted on the TP or something else? I've tried several times today to transfer via TCP/IP but it always hangs up when I get to "getting panel hierarchy" but I can USB transfer w/o problems.
Since I first put this panel onsite a couple months ago I always thought there was something a little off about it and thought several times about sending it back but I could never say with certainty that is was malfunctioning. There's always so many other possibilties to make a assesment w/o any resonable doubt hard to do, especially when it's a wi-fi based product. Then there's alway my programs that are suspect.
If that doesn't work see what happens if you transfer with Netlinx Studio instead. TPD4 and NS2 transfer panel files differently. TPD4 does some kind of error checking first, at least that's what I've been told. And I have to believe the transfer is different because TPD4 goes through all the rigamarole of creating temp files and compiling and whatever else it does before it actually sends the data. NS2 looks like it just transfers.