MVP-8400 time standing still

in AMX Hardware
Has anyone ever seen time stand still on an otherwise perfectly functioning MVP-8400? I just ran into a panel that had time and date buttons that were frozen in time for the last month. I rebooted the touch panel and the time and date buttons synced back up with the Netlinx master and all was fine. I don?t remember seeing that happen to a panel before and found it rather odd.
You're alone. I've had this happen once before, I rebooted and never heard from the client again.
I find that sometimes a soft-reboot is not enough to purge an evil spirit that has inhabited an MVP-8400.
I find that sometimes, I need to pull the power and remove the batteries and let it set for a minute.
When I am having communication problems on a network (even wireless) the first thing I check is that all of the network connections are properly terminated.