List data tables & list box buttons

Is anyone using list box buttons and/or list data tables for anything? If so, I'd love to see an example. I've been playing around in TPD4 trying to make sense out of it all and have had no success.
I have an idea of how I think they might work but maybe I'm wrong as I can't make them work like that (or even 'work' at all) and the help file doesn't provide much insight as to their possible use.
I have an idea of how I think they might work but maybe I'm wrong as I can't make them work like that (or even 'work' at all) and the help file doesn't provide much insight as to their possible use.
There's a short code sample in the programming section of the R4 manual which may be of some help. A more complete example can be found by searching for "Dynamic List box Table Example" in the TPD4 help file. It would be nice if AMX were to provide a sample workspace and couple of panel files to speed start up time with this feature (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
As best I've been able to figure out, in TPD4 you create a listbox which has an associated port and address set in the programming properties tab. It also needs the list table port and list table address property set in the general properties tab, which links the listbox to a data list. It also seems possible to do this at run time by sending the ^LVL command to the panel.
At run time you can then:
* Create a data list (^LDN)
* Set the data types of the list columns (^LDT)
* Add items to the list (^LDA)
* Set the order in which columns will be displayed (^LVC)
* Update the view (^LVU)
Note that I'm referring to dynamic lists, you can create static lists to send to the panel and attach them to listbox buttons right in TPD4.
There's lots of good help in the TPD4 help file, but it would be much easier to get your head around if there was a walkthrough or working sample available.
When the TPs get this feature enabled via new firmware I reconsider the benefit to using dynamic lists but for now I just don't see it. Especially in light of the feedback limitations to these R4s. Make sure you incorporate the "R4 Feedback Module" that was posted recently otherwise you'll likely overload the R4 or gateway and they will fall offline.
I agree entirely. We're a long way down the track now and it surprises me that these features haven't been made available in other Modero devices. Having a system at home means that I can try out things that I wouldn't necessarily do at work 'though...
Ok, you got me. I've seen numerous references to it on the forums but can't find where it was posted. Do you know what thread it was in Vining? Is this the code from AMX Australia?
Any chance somebody could repost the module in the open forums?
Like keeping ports sequential w/o skipping any to minimize resource usage and bogging the gateways down w/ online and offline events. Which is different from the way I original set them up using the same ports as I did on the TPs but only the ports for the device I wanted controlled by the R4s. I've since re-defined all the ports to be sequential and I believe they were are happier. Of course my ports ranged from 1 - 30 and are now 1 - 11.
I remove counter send_strings for things like CD tack time or DVD track time because after all who really cares and when you're feed back is limited that's one display item I can live w/o.