Making a G3 panel go 'bing'.......

Hello all.. have a challenge for anyone willing... I have a simple 16 button G3 panel .. I need the thing to go 'bing' (or play a sound of some sort) when I turn a button on. Any suggestions?
because this works:
this will make the panel go BEEP!
Thanks Yuri.. it does indeed make the panel beep.. but whats even better is that it uses the default sound scheme from windows as the sound.. so with a bit of manipulation I've got it playing exactly the sound I need and when I need it.
Thx again
As a general rule, I turn off the beep on button hit in panel setup, and only leave the button miss sound on. This is what kills it. If button hit audio is off, the BEEP command will not work. Likewise, if button miss is turned off, DBEEP won't work. I find the constant beeping of button presses to be severely irritating, so if I want sound effects, I need to use DBEEP, or, better yet, upload an audio file and use ^SOU instead.
I don't use 'BEEP' OR 'DBEEP' but 'ABEEP' and 'ADBEEP'
The 'A' makes the touch panel beep even if you turn off the beeps in the TPs setup menu. (which I do) The 'A' overrides the panel's beep settings.
- Chip
..for some reason the html generated by TPD3 substitutes SansSerif as the default font in a button. You can edit the Main.xml file with the correct font(s) as long as they are in the font directory of the PC.
..If using the Web control on an active desktop at 1024 by 768 the page will exceed the screen size and appear with scroll bars. Open/Edit the html file that has the project name and change the 'height' parameter to 746 and it fits perfectly.
.. I also found a file on the web called 'nomousy' which turns the mouse pointer invisible.. stops the pointer loitering on screen between button presses.