RMS and Lotus Notes
Has anyone installed RMS with Lotus notes? I am installing RMS and the cilent would like to know who has it installed with lotus and have they used lotus 8. Im working with a very large company and we are in the testing phase of RMS. My AMX rep dose not know of anyone using lotus and any help would be great.
Also dose anyone know how RMS uses the installed client on the server? We cant seem to figure this out and the documents don't seem to help.
I know that RMS works with R5/6 but the company no longer uses R5 or R6. They are also a beta tester for lotus notes.
Thanks for you help.
Also dose anyone know how RMS uses the installed client on the server? We cant seem to figure this out and the documents don't seem to help.
I know that RMS works with R5/6 but the company no longer uses R5 or R6. They are also a beta tester for lotus notes.
Thanks for you help.
When I was at the University of Nebraska, we tried to do this but was unable to because of Lotus Notes. Lotus doesn't typically play well with Microsoft, it seems. At that time you needed to be running Exchange to get the gig done.
This was over three years ago, however.
Thanks for the reply. Our client is talking about going to exchange but they are saying in about 1 to 2 years out. I agree Lotus is a pain its even worse because the company has 8 full time lotus programmers on staff and they cant grasp wht RMS dose.