NXC-VAI4 module

Hi friends,
i try to find the VA module to NXC-VAI4 card, but i cant find it. Can you send me a module file to add a VA sw?? i need make a analog control to OSRAM Ligth balast, it works with 1 - 10VDC level.
Thanks all.
i try to find the VA module to NXC-VAI4 card, but i cant find it. Can you send me a module file to add a VA sw?? i need make a analog control to OSRAM Ligth balast, it works with 1 - 10VDC level.
Thanks all.
There is no VAI4 module, you will need to define the device and write associated code in the custom.axi file. Programming the VA14 is fairly simple, for more information and programming help, refer to the doc at this link:
Hi Doug,
Please can you send me a example to how i use the custom.axi file, i dont now if i need re wrote all devices in custom.axi or i add the device to needed.
P.D. sorry for my bad english...
Open the workspace in NetLinx Studio and then open custom.axi.
dvLIGHT = 5002:1:0
In the DEFINE_START section you should set the limit so the voltage does not go over 10VDC
SEND_COMMAND dvLIGHT 'P1X10V' (* Sets the maximum output level for I/O #1 to 10 Volts *)
In DEFINE_EVENT you may use SEND_COMMAND, Levels, or channels to control the lights.
SEND_COMMAND dvLIGHT, 'P1L50%' // ramps I/O 1 from its current value to 50% (mid voltage level) at the "CURRENT I/O 1 RAMP RATE".
'P2L255T30' ramps I/O 2 to maximum voltage level in 3 seconds.
CHANNEL examples:
Channel State Function
1 ON While channel 1 is ON the voltage on I/O 1 (Output 1)
will ramp up (increase) at the "CURRENT I/O 1 RAMP UP
RATE" . The voltage ramp stops if the maximum is
OFF Stop voltage ramping on I/O 1 at current value.
All of these examples are available in AMX PI (Product Information)
You may need to contact AMX Technical Support for additional assistance.
Hey Doug,
Thanks for you fast advice, i test the example.
Best Regards.