Sharp projector module question

Evening all!
I am having some problems with a system that is using Sharp XG-C335 projectors. I am loosing the ON/OFF state of the projector. Nothing fancy -
DEFINE_CALL 'Projector_On' // Turn on projector
PULSE [Proj, 27] // 27 is channel for POWER ON in Projector module
DEFINE_CALL 'Projector_Off' // Turn off projector
PULSE [Proj, 28] // 28 is channel for POWER ON in Projector module
The ON and OFF buttons on the TP are defined as mutually exclusive so the projector 'should' be either ON or OFF - not much choice.
On several visits to the site, some on/off buttons are displaying the wrong state or are off completely so I thought why not 'just' query the projector to determine if it is on or off and then update the button state in mainline.
I can't seem to find how/where to query if the projector is on or off. It must be in the module somewhere.
The projectors are controlled via IP.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I am having some problems with a system that is using Sharp XG-C335 projectors. I am loosing the ON/OFF state of the projector. Nothing fancy -
DEFINE_CALL 'Projector_On' // Turn on projector
PULSE [Proj, 27] // 27 is channel for POWER ON in Projector module
DEFINE_CALL 'Projector_Off' // Turn off projector
PULSE [Proj, 28] // 28 is channel for POWER ON in Projector module
The ON and OFF buttons on the TP are defined as mutually exclusive so the projector 'should' be either ON or OFF - not much choice.
On several visits to the site, some on/off buttons are displaying the wrong state or are off completely so I thought why not 'just' query the projector to determine if it is on or off and then update the button state in mainline.
I can't seem to find how/where to query if the projector is on or off. It must be in the module somewhere.
The projectors are controlled via IP.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I've found the duet modules for these projectors to be pretty reliable when I've used them. Hope that helps somewhat.
Excuse my ignorance but how can you use button.input outside of a button event?
BUTTON.INPUT is a global variable and will store the very last button pressed. So, technically, it's good until another button event happens. It's not exactly safe, though, to use outside the event, because you can't absolutely guarantee nothing else is going to happen meanwhile.
That will do it - I overlooked Channel 255 as being the one for POWER.
I'll put it in place next week when on site.
Much appreciated!
FYI - the button.input.device is in the sub-routine, called as part of the event. I suppose it is a bit sloppy and open to the 'meantime' noted by DHawthorne. Perhaps I should put that in the event so it is already captured before going to the sub-routine.
Happy New Year to all.