Degrees Symbol
You know the degrees symbol that goes after temperatures??
How can I get that into variable text string for G4 panels?
How can I get that into variable text string for G4 panels?
Look at the unicode commands WC_DECODE, WC_ENCODE and you can just covert existing ascii to unicode or use SEND_COMMAND dvTY,??^UNI-1,0,?,cString? just to send unicode directly.
To date I've only modified some exisitng code that used these commands and never really got into the unicode itself. They do open the door to alot of symbols/languages that are not supported by ascii.
Thanks Vining. I got it. I added a "$B0" to my text string and it worked.
You can use almost all these symbols like degrees, pound (UK currency) etc...
A great way to find out what they are is to use the CHAR map that is part of windows. call it up, it'll give you the hex char number, send it raw to the panel and it works fine.
Can't you just append ° to the end of your string?
char cnDegree = '°'
Always worked for me. You guys always do things the hard way.
is harder than
char cnDegree = '°'