control a device question
I have an LG TV that connected to a ni-3100 via R232 on port to and I am trying to send command on the control a device window
The string I want to send is : SEND_STRING dvLG_TV,"'ka ',$00,' ',$00,13"
How do I use the control a device window to send a string command?
I tried to wrote: "'ka ',$00,' ',$00,13" on the message to send and marked the string expression and on the message type I marked the string but I didn’t see in the notification windows that the command was sent .
I tried also to change the message type to command but it also didn’t work.
If I am sending pulse I see in the notification windows that the command was sent.
thanks for any help.
The string I want to send is : SEND_STRING dvLG_TV,"'ka ',$00,' ',$00,13"
How do I use the control a device window to send a string command?
I tried to wrote: "'ka ',$00,' ',$00,13" on the message to send and marked the string expression and on the message type I marked the string but I didn’t see in the notification windows that the command was sent .
I tried also to change the message type to command but it also didn’t work.
If I am sending pulse I see in the notification windows that the command was sent.
thanks for any help.
send_string dvLG_TV, "'ka 1 0', $0D"
and you will see it in Notifications.
mybe I dont send the string coorect in the protocol the pwr off/on command:
01. Power (Command: k a)
► To control Power On/Off of the set.
[k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] ///the command
Data 00 : Power Off 01 : Power On
so the command i sent is : SEND_STRING dvLG_TV,"'ka ',$00,' ',$00,13" //PWR OFF
OR: SEND_STRING dvLG_TV,"'ka ',$00,' ',$01,13" //PWR ON
also i tryid to wrote in the telnet he ask me for a login what should i wrote?
Re-read Chad's post.
send_string dvLG_TV, "'ka 1 1', $0D" // power on (ID=1=default)
send_string dvLG_TV, "'ka 1 0', $0D" // power off (ID=1=default)
By default there is no login necessary for telnet, so if you are prompted then it has been enabled and you need to use the login/password as configured in the master.
Also, make sure your baud rate is correct:
send_command dvLG_TV, "'SET BAUD 9600,N,8,1 485 DISABLE'"
I've also had one instance where I had to cycle power on the TV to get the 232 working.
I believe you are sending the wrong commands.
Also, some monitors turn off the 232 port when in power-save mode, so you might have to turn off some of the power saving features of the tv to be able to turn on the tv from the 232 port.
That being said, I'm never surprised to hear that protocols have changed or that one particular device acts different. In the control world you have to make it work, not just try what should work!
I think the LG monitors are sufficiently clever to work with either '1', or '01'. What they will not work with is $00 or $01 rather than '0' or '1'. The problem is that some of the LG documentation is unclear as to whether the integers should be integers (or hex) or whether they should be the ascii rep of the integers. I had the same problem as the OP when first encountering an LG monitor (actually, I think it was Zenith back then).
there are at least two accounts that come setup by default.
Admin account:
user name = 'administrator'
password = 'password'
FTP account:
user name = 'NetLinx'
password = 'password'
I don't know if the ftp account will log you into the NI's telnet server or not, but the Admin will. If someone has changed the Admin password from 'password', you must know what it is in order to log in. Usernames and passwords are both case sensitive.
A lot of information about this sort of thing is in the webconsole and programming manual available on the AMX website. Look under manuals for Netlinx central controllers. It also tells you how to reset the Admin account password to the factory default from a terminal session through the programming RS232 port.
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