Viewstat with Heated Flooring
Hi, I was wondering if the new color viewstats are compatible with Heated flooring, I know they are according to manual, but more of a question if anyone has done it. The heated floors in question are from Rehau Anyone have worked with these? And if so how did you connect them.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Basically I wouldn't waist my money a slick T-Stat when a low profile room temp sensor (or invisible) and a cheap back room T-Stat is all you need since the user shouldn't interface with this anyway. Some systems I've done recently don't even have room (air) temp sensor and just use the slab sensor instead. When using the slab sensor the back room slab sensor T-Stat maintains the slab at 70-72 degrees which in turn keeps the room at that same temperature. In this case all I do is make or break the slab sensor from pulling in the circulator (mixing block) and boiler for seasonal changes or extended away periods. Only if you want to give the customer the ability to change the slab temperature a few degees would I bother with a communicating T-Stat.
Thank you!
Thank you
Your last post leads me back to my initial question, how do I go about connecting the heated floor system to the viewstat? Any experience with this?
Again thank you very much for your help!
This really depends on what controls the HVAC contractor is using since they will probably use slab sensors and an outdoor reset (temp) sensor and possibly room air temp sensor so you really got to know the a system and what's being installed. In your scenario I would probably use the viewstat as the primary room control in series with the radiant floor sensor control to allow the floor sensor controller to act a secondary limit for a "max" temperature allowed while the viewstat controls the desired temp but with out knowing all the parts and pieces it's hard to say how to wire it.
That will work just fine with the older Viewstats, but the color Viewstats power off the RH terminal, and AMX won't support anything but using the furnace/air handler to power them. A zone valve won't do it, and chances are there's no common run to the stat in any case. That said, I just completed an installation with a bunch of them powering off an external supply, and using Aprilaire 8024 relay boards to isolate the outputs (which was a royal hassle, since AMX insists they need 2A each, which is insane for a thermostat). One of the stats smoked when the heating zone activated ... I'm convinced it was a bad stat, and a brand new one in the same location, same wiring, same power, works just fine; but AMX won't cover it under warranty, even though it was exactly 2 days old, because of my "unsupported" installation.
I would imagine you'll have the sales guys spec these in all your future jobs.
Actually, the won't even support it WITH the isolation relay. I can't tell you how many times a tech support person quoted the doc that says they *must* be powered off the HVAC unit. Logic, common sense, and science be damned, if you don't follow that instruction, your warranty is void.
Interseting point above about customer expectations on heated floors. I always told clients not to put too much stock in it. I always said the floors won't be warm, they just won't be cold.
Tech support blithely told me to upgrade the transformers in the air handlers ... which, granted, is not a big deal really, but I refuse to do it. My "unsupported" installation is working just fine, and I imagine many others are as well.