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Hi Guys, I am new to the Forum but, have been using AKG 470 systems for a long time in the UK on Band 9U. I have only ever had two isssues with them, one of my systems has recently started having a problem. I wasn't sure if it was an actual fault or was just an interferrance issue. One of my SR470 receivers would suddenly go into AF clip and the display goes orange and there is a terrible audible harsh hiss that comes through the front of house speakers etc, the HT470 D5 handset was left on mute, with the other three systems that i was using that day. the unit that had this issue was set to 609.150Mhz, which is allegdly one of the interferrance free frequencies? The others were set to 606.600, 607.500 and 611.250Mhz. All 4 systems had been running for around 90 minutes when this situation occured. Once the receiver had been powered down and switched back on the situation/fault had been resovled and it worked normally, but I swapped out the receiver just in case.

Has this ever happened to any other users and would you advise sending it to be repaired/serviced or could it just have been an interferrence? I have the system on test again at the minute but can't seem to replicate the issue? regards, J.


  • Have you resolved your issue? We are having the same issue at one of our schools.
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