Change frequency on WMS40
Hello. Is it possible to change frequency of one of transmitters on WMS40 Mini Dual Instrumental Set? I have interference with another LD Systems transmitter/reciever from a bandmate?
Hello. Is it possible to change frequency of one of transmitters on WMS40 Mini Dual Instrumental Set? I have interference with another LD Systems transmitter/reciever from a bandmate?
Unfortunately, the AKG WMS40 Mini Dual Instrumental Set does not allow users to manually change the frequency of the transmitters. The system operates on fixed frequencies, which means you can’t adjust them to avoid interference. Sign in to myPascoConnect
If you’re experiencing interference, you might consider the following options:
Repositioning: Try moving the transmitters and receivers to different locations to minimize interference.
Shielding: Use physical barriers to block interference.
Upgrading: Consider upgrading to a system that allows frequency adjustment.
Would you like more information on any of these options?
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