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D1200E help diagnosing

I bought this old mic - AKG D1200E and I am not against getting it serviced - although I don't know where. I am in Toronto Canada.

Could anyone first help me identify if there is a problem? I have a Steinberg UR22C interface to I plugged the mic into it and recorded in Audacity. The recording seems distorted. Not like fuzz pedal distorted but just not clear and pristine. Like low fidelity.

Are there tests I can do on my own? Measurements i can take? Maybe I should start by A/Bing it with a known good mic?

Does anyone have some ideas on assessing the mic?
And if it needs service where in Toronto Canada?
And is there a spec sheet on this mic somewhere?

Anyway cool mic. I hope I can get it working well.
Jim N

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