capsule AKG P120
Hello! I bought an AKG P120 microphone in a black case. The attached instructions say that it has a 3/4" electret installed. And on your official website it says that a true condenser is installed. Please answer which capsule is in it
The instruction manual states technical data for both the P120 and P220. Can you confirm you are looking at the right spec for your microphone?
I hold the instructions in my hands and see where it says about the P120, and where about the P 220. The instructions say that the P120 has an electret capsule, and the official website says true condenser. Where is right?
OK, understood. Post the link the website page you are referring to and I'll take a look. Microphones/P120-.html?dwvar_P120-_color=Black-GLOBAL-Current#q=P120&start=1
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