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whoops! my netlinx password

I've been called back to a site 5 years later and my documents don't show the password to my ni3000 . They've recieved a new mvp8400 and need to reload the tp files. But I can't get the two to communicate. Is there a way to get by this? Help me please I don't want to reset the NI. Any ideas?


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Nope. There's no recovery, and you can't even reset it yourself. AMX can wipe it on an RMA, but you'll need to send it in and lose everything. At least they'll replace your serial capacitors too, probably all for their $150 flat rate.

    At least that's what we've always been told by AMX.
    We never tried pulling the FLASH card and doing any probing, though. Maybe someone has?
  • the8thstthe8thst Posts: 470
    Sometimes people will enable security for ICSP, but not enable security for telnet or the web interface. You can change security settings from either of those.

    You can try connecting to the NI via the 232 programming port.
    The command 'resetadminpassword' will reset the password to log into the web interface if the firmware is new enough. From the web interface you can disable security, change the password, or create a new user and new password that has ICSP permissions.

    The other thing you can try is FTP'ing into the master to see if the source code and project file were uploaded. You can get the password from the workspace file by opening it in a text editor, finding the user password properties, and running the password through a BASE64 decoder on the web.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    Hmm. Can you bring an NI-700 to the job site, power down the locked master, insert the NI-700 with the same IP address as the locked one and do the transfer then? You only need to update panel files, not code, correct?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    the8thst wrote: »
    Sometimes people will enable security for ICSP, but not enable security for telnet or the web interface. You can change security settings from either of those.

    You can try connecting to the NI via the 232 programming port.
    The command 'resetadminpassword' will reset the password to log into the web interface if the firmware is new enough. From the web interface you can disable security, change the password, or create a new user and new password that has ICSP permissions.

    The other thing you can try is FTP'ing into the master to see if the source code and project file were uploaded. You can get the password from the workspace file by opening it in a text editor, finding the user password properties, and running the password through a BASE64 decoder on the web.

    Good point #1, although most people apply security for telnet and web, and ICSP just goes along for the ride. And on all firmware since 3, you can't change security from TELNET. They removed that. Web and Serial only.
    #2 is news to me, I will definitely try it and keep that information available if it works. (It of course requires that the PROGRAMMING PORT security is NOT turned on)
    #3, I don't know how you plan to FTP without a login. FTP security isn't optional, you'd need the password to get the files you suggest might include the password you are looking for.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    John Nagy wrote: »
    We never tried pulling the FLASH card and doing any probing, though. Maybe someone has?
    No luck here ! passwords are stored on Internal flash of master, not on the Flash CF card :(
  • rfletcherrfletcher Posts: 217
    John Nagy wrote: »
    Good point #1, although most people apply security for telnet and web, and ICSP just goes along for the ride. And on all firmware since 3, you can't change security from TELNET. They removed that. Web and Serial only.
    #2 is news to me, I will definitely try it and keep that information available if it works. (It of course requires that the PROGRAMMING PORT security is NOT turned on)
    #3, I don't know how you plan to FTP without a login. FTP security isn't optional, you'd need the password to get the files you suggest might include the password you are looking for.

    Also, WRT #3, I've never seen a workspace file loaded to the master with source code. Just the source files themselves. I don't think Studio will upload the workspace when it uploads the source code.
  • the8thstthe8thst Posts: 470
    rfletcher wrote: »
    Also, WRT #3, I've never seen a workspace file loaded to the master with source code. Just the source files themselves. I don't think Studio will upload the workspace when it uploads the source code.

    I have used the memory on the master as a backup storage location for completed workspace files, and I know several other programmers that do the same. I have also had luck logging into the FTP section of a master using a guest account when everything else was locked down. The OP is obviously in a tough place so I was giving him every suggestion (no matter how remote) I could think of to help him.

    Too bad he only has the TP4 file and not the original workspace or this would be a 30 second fix.
  • GregGGregG Posts: 251
    Last I checked the CF cards in the 8400s do store everything - so maybe try swapping the old panel's CF card into the new panel?

    It was probably rma'd i would guess :-(
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    GregG wrote: »
    Last I checked the CF cards in the 8400s do store everything - so maybe try swapping the old panel's CF card into the new panel?

    It was probably rma'd i would guess :-(

    Not a good idea. Not all of the firmware resides on the CF, there is a portion on the panel memory as well. Mismatch the two by too wide a range and you have a brick.
  • GregGGregG Posts: 251
    i've dd (linux raw) copied the CF from a 7500 on to a bestbuy 128MB blank, stuck it into an 8400 and it booted - of course the design didn't look that great.

    I used to carry around a compressed dd image each of 7500 and 8400 to fix them when the unrecoverable data transfer bugs used to brick them. At least now they added the remove all user pages firmware recovery option.
  • z00fz00f Posts: 4

    Need read fullflash from flash chip near cpu. I unsolder it and put in programmer. Also possible use jtag for read without unsoldering. Then need swap bytes in file content and look on address:
    AM29LV128MH: 0xF78400
    S29GL256N11TFI01: 0x1F78400
    You can see Base64 strings like "YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcg" -> "administrator"
    use online base64 decoder and you will find password.

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