String expression or literal?
PROGRAM_NAME='junk' DEFINE_CONSTANT CHAR STR_TEST[] = 'test'; CHAR TEST_STRING[20] = "STR_TEST";If I look at TEST_STRING in a watch window it evaluates as 'STR_TEST'
I have always believed TEST_STRING should equate to 'test'
NetLinx Compile - Version[]
NI Master Version............: v4.2.379
Enova DGX 8 Version............: v1.6.1.1
Is anybody able to make me understand why this works the way it does?
but it doesn't explain why the double quotes around your constant are being evaluated as a literal string. If it's treating it as an expresion then it would be expecting single quotes inside the doubles but nowhere in the tech note does it use doubles in constant declarations, in fact it says not to use them.
I, too, would have expected it to evaluate "STR_TEST" as 'test'
You can't reliably use double quote delimited string expressions in either define_constant or define_variable. If you try to do it in define_variable it will throw an error because the RHS is not a constant. In my opinion, it shouldn't compile with the expression in define_constant either. It's not compliant with the rules for string expressions or the syntax rules for the define_constant section and it certainly doesn't produce the desired result.
Netlinx language seems different than other programming languages in this respect. As I recall, in C, for example, when you properly define a constant all incidences of that constant in the code are replaced with the constant during a pre-compile phase. Not so in Netlinx, it seems.
This "feature" has been discussed before:
I tried that first but not having the double quotes makes TEST_STRING have a length of 1 and a value of 0.
My production code has a 2D array of strings, I wanted to be able to refer to.. I'm referring to STR_CONNECTED and BOOL_STRING[2] in different parts of code and didn't want to screw up if I decide to change the wording of STR_CONNECTED to something like 'unplugged' and forgot to change BOOL_STRING[2].
I chose to change the code to index BOOL_STRING whenever I want the string, it is messier in code but it works. My other option would have been to make BOOL_STRING a variable but I didn't want to do that.