MVP-5200i Touch Panel Battery Bloated
Hi All,
Have you all encounter touch panel keeps getting bloated and panel cracked because of this?
I have few customers experiencing this and feel that this is not fair to them to pay for the repair charges as the problem keeps repeating and they keeps paying for the repair charges.
Is there any way to stop this? I was suspecting that the panel is kept charging in the wall docking station that cause this problem..
Will the same scenario happens if the touch panel is placed on the table and charge with a power adapter through barrel connector?
Have you all encounter touch panel keeps getting bloated and panel cracked because of this?
I have few customers experiencing this and feel that this is not fair to them to pay for the repair charges as the problem keeps repeating and they keeps paying for the repair charges.
Is there any way to stop this? I was suspecting that the panel is kept charging in the wall docking station that cause this problem..
Will the same scenario happens if the touch panel is placed on the table and charge with a power adapter through barrel connector?
AMX officially suggests proactive replacement of the battery every two years rather than wait for failures.
They also say not to keep it on the charger 24/7 for best life. You'd think they would try to accommodate that cycle with smarts in the panel or dock. Taking the unit out of the wall most of each day is not a normal use case... especially considering the long re-acquisition of signal time required when the panel sleeps.
I don't care how much money clients have, they get pissed off and they start looking for products that won't nickel and dime them to death. C'mon every 18-24 months is a little ridiculous, no wonder why there's no new portable devices being released, poor connectivity and battery life.
The new RTI handhelds now have IR/RF/ZigB and wi-fi for programming and dynamic images and I believe a camera and mic. We still have the R4 for the same price which still reguires a physical connection to update.
This is a known problem and has been for last four years. I started installing these in 2009 and have had every panel recalled by AMX to have batteries exchanged from that first year. Since then I have had a few others have the same problem. I installed one July 2011 that was just returned to AMX and repaired under warranty after battery swelled enough to break the case and render the panel unuseable. They replaced the battery and the case under warranty. This panel is in the wall docking station about 80-90% of the time. Also I have just installed three for same customer in another location in another city and one of them is starting have a problem with battery charging. It is not swelled but instead will only charge to about 5% then indicates it is at a full charge. If you removed from the charger it will die in a matter of a few minutes. THIS IS BRAND NEW INSTALLED IN JULY OF THIS YEAR. I love these panels overall, they are sleeek, attractive and very capable units, just wish battery was reliable.
AMX has with all wireless touch panel a big quality problem!
The battery management working not good!