Using IRIS for Philips remote errors out every time
Posts: 19
Been trying to create IRL file for a new Philips BluRay player. On capture first press seems to go ok, but second press for verify capture results in Error every time for any remote function. I have two IRIS units, same result on both. Tested other remotes from a CATV box and a projector, both ok. Are there any settings in the IRIS I am missing? Has Philips gone to some frequency out of range from the IRIS?
To find out if it is alternate codes at work, capture once, then hit the button on the remote again without capture, then capture the third push for confirmation. If that confirms, you have the issue.
Now the next issue will be making the player accept the new code. It likely will not work for any code more than one time in a row. It must see some other code first, to "release" it from needed the alternate code.
I have on occasion succeeded in appending codes together that made this work... the first being the captured "A" code, the second being some harmless other code, never using the "B" code at all. The null code allowed the device to again accept an A code when next sent. This can be messy. Better to get a different player. Sony or Samsung.
Will try all the above. AS for replacing the player, this is something the customer ran out and bought. I am sure they will not return it! I will have to try everyhting above then see where we are.
If possible put a line in contracts that says all products not supplied by the integrator fall under a do-and-charge category.
Thank you all!!!
Glad it worked out!