NetLinx Studio v3.4.908

For those who may not yet be privy, there's a new version of NetLinx Studio:
I am happy about the #WARN fix, but sad that it breaks again if you have an include in an include...
Have you noticed any additional changes/bugs with this release?
[B]NetLinx Studio v3.4.908[/B] FEATURE - Support for the new TP5 Touch Panel Files (G5 Panels). Ability to add TP5 files to the NetLinx Studio Workspace and the ability to transfer to the new panels. FEATURE: Support for the new Driver Design Module files (.xdd). Ability to add XDD files to the NetLinx Studio Workspace and the ability to transfer to the masters controllers. BUG FIX - Corrected the problem of the NetLinx Compiler not reporting the correct file name when displaying the #WARN compiler directive within NetLinx Studio when the #WARN directive was located in an include file (.AXI). The NetLinx Compiler Version is now []. BUG FIX - Reactivated the "Check Port Status" menu item within the Online Tree. BUG FIX - Corrected the problem of exporting AXS/AXI files to an AXW file when the user selected to "Exclude" these files from the export. BUG FIX - Resolved the problem of transferring files to Axcent controllers.
I am happy about the #WARN fix, but sad that it breaks again if you have an include in an include...
Have you noticed any additional changes/bugs with this release?
Oh great! I didn't notice that. That's definitely going to make life easier when the code is mission-critical.
has anyone had any problems that would cause issues with existing code?
Reminded me of the days of updating AXCESS code where everyone used the word SWITCH for a device and/or variable name for a audio/video switcher.
No, this must be a bug. If VERSION is defined as a CONSTANT I get the error "C10206: STRUCTURE type [CHAR] already defined". However define it as a variable and it compiles fine.
Nevermind. Just noticed the option and help text box in the Firmware Transfer Preferences.
Perhapso. Either way it broke my code and either way it needed fixing.
To be honest it surprises me that stuff like this doesn't happen more often. There are several under-the-hood variables and structures in Netlinx that could horse a persons code up.
Ah, gotcha. So Eric, I guess you haven't been using the hotfix version.