Lock issue with MVP-9000i :(

I encounter a pretty annoying bug on site with multiple MVP-9000i different panels. When panel is let alone more than 24h (approximatively) either on wall dock or table dock, it locks by itself. Display is on but freezed (unless it's setup to shut down backdisplay after 30s) and tactile is completely unoperative ! Only external buttons works to access setup but also in setup I can't do anything
Only way is to reboot panel through external buttons and then it comes back normal (and sometimes I need also to recalibrate it once rebooted to get it fully functional again).
Any ideas ? bug in current firmware ? panels are up to date with firmware avalaible on amx website !
Thanks and happy new year
I encounter a pretty annoying bug on site with multiple MVP-9000i different panels. When panel is let alone more than 24h (approximatively) either on wall dock or table dock, it locks by itself. Display is on but freezed (unless it's setup to shut down backdisplay after 30s) and tactile is completely unoperative ! Only external buttons works to access setup but also in setup I can't do anything

Only way is to reboot panel through external buttons and then it comes back normal (and sometimes I need also to recalibrate it once rebooted to get it fully functional again).
Any ideas ? bug in current firmware ? panels are up to date with firmware avalaible on amx website !
Thanks and happy new year

Installed Modero MVP-9000i Touch Panel Firmware v.2.86.70 Hot Fix (Available from AMX Technical Support)
Changes in this release:
Fixed the scenario where the graphics would not update on the display
Fixed the scenario where the panel drops offline to the AMX master and does not recover the connection
Did made it even worse, DO NOT INSTALL THIS VERSION.
We get Firmware v.2.86.72 Hot Fix from TS (not on AMX website) it did not solve our lockup problems, but did solve the graphic problems introduced by v.2.86.70.
We replace more than once WAP, ethernetswicth and cable, but the lockup still happens about once a week.
Inside WDS (wired connection) or outside WDS (wireless connection) it does not matter.
There is no other hardware on the AMX network.
It also happend on different locations/customer and on all MVP-9000i we sold.
We did send a panel to TS including fault discription, photo`s, movie file mad by my cellphone and log file to show what happend, TS did not found any problem.
I feel happy we are not alone, because normaly we alway`s are
Any help or advice is welcome.
Wireless only, set wired to DHCP.
Wired only, set wireless to DHCP.
Wired and wireless, both set to DHCP.
Wired and wireless, both set to fixed IP.
In the readme file by firmware v2_86_62 AMX wrote:
-- If the wired interface will not be used (in other words, the docking station is
is being used for storage and charging only), the Wired network settings
should be left at their factory defaults (DHCP).
We alway`s do a resave on wireless settings, even we did not reenter a setting like SSID or WPA2 password.
In all situations the panel lockup (as alway`s).