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Lutron HomeWorks QS AMX comm module and controller firmware issues

I am using the AMX Comm module to control a Lutron Homeworks QS project. It works fine and I've used it on 3 projects so far. However, if I use any new AMX Controller firmware above 3.60.455 or any V4 firmware, the Lutron response slows down to a noticeable 4 to 6 seconds response. Under firmware 3.60.455 in a NI-4100/256, when you press a touch panel button to call a Lutron scene, the response is instantaneous, you can see the lights going on or off. When you call the same scene with the same Master and same code under the new v4 firmware, there is a delay for the lights to go on or off on any scene, single room or house scene. I wonder if the Lutron Comm module needs to be recompiled with newer Java/Duet libraries. The Lutron QS module was released on 3/2/2012, probably before the v4 firmware. Anyways, on projects that I use Lutron QS, I can't use any firmware above 3.60.455 on the AMX Master Controllers. Have any of you noticed something like this on the newer firmware? I used a few of the different v4 versions and same results. I e-mailed AMX techs about it, but haven't had a response yet...


  • truetrue Posts: 307
    Without open code and a history of buggy AMX modules, your best bet is to either ask-wait-pray, find an alternative or roll your own.

    When I asked a while back for code as I needed a job done and couldn't continue waiting for weeks for AMX to fix I was told they wouldn't even consider handing over code without an NDA. Really? An NDA to flip a light switch? I understand the situation is even worse now.

    The AMX module situation sucks.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    My understanding of the module/NDA situation at AMX is that the modules are usually not thier own development nor their property. They are done by the third parties, and their agreements with those parties do not give AMX unlimited redistribution rights of the source code. So AMX can't freely give out third party module source without an Non Disclosure Agreement, such that you cannot redistribute either.

    Seems silly, as the point of the modules is to to advance more useage. But that's the nature of code protection between corporations.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Have you tried playing with the memory allocation? Maybe an increase of duet memory might affect a positive change, maybe not but worth a try.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    I am using the AMX Comm module to control a Lutron Homeworks QS project. It works fine and I've used it on 3 projects so far. However, if I use any new AMX Controller firmware above 3.60.455 or any V4 firmware, the Lutron response slows down to a noticeable 4 to 6 seconds response. Under firmware 3.60.455 in a NI-4100/256, when you press a touch panel button to call a Lutron scene, the response is instantaneous, you can see the lights going on or off. When you call the same scene with the same Master and same code under the new v4 firmware, there is a delay for the lights to go on or off on any scene, single room or house scene. I wonder if the Lutron Comm module needs to be recompiled with newer Java/Duet libraries. The Lutron QS module was released on 3/2/2012, probably before the v4 firmware. Anyways, on projects that I use Lutron QS, I can't use any firmware above 3.60.455 on the AMX Master Controllers. Have any of you noticed something like this on the newer firmware? I used a few of the different v4 versions and same results. I e-mailed AMX techs about it, but haven't had a response yet...

    I just finished a job with that scenario and haven't noticed this. It seems to work quite well, and this is on a heavily burdened 4100 running the hot fix firmware. You might want to call AMX TS and get the latest V4 hot fix. I would try and figure out where the delay is coming from. Does the push and outgoing command occur instantly in notifications but the light takes a few seconds to respond? Or is push/command not showing up for 6 seconds?
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