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Need feedback on using feedback-Strange Problem

I have stripped my code to try & figure out what something VERY STRANGE is happening with my Netlinx system. Stripped down, I have a few AXT-CP touch panels, AXB-TMC television managers, and an ME260 master. The television power control part of my system seems pretty simple....I have a virtual device combined with all my touch panels, a device-channel array of television manager + TV power sensor channels, and a button event defined with the virtual device and power-sensor devchan array, and lastly a channel event defined with an array of all the power-sensor devs&chans. Sounds simple so far, right?
Well, currently my code reacts to a TV power button event on the touch panel by sending an ir pulse on channel 9 of the television manager. A channel event on any television manager causes a a call to be invoked that
waits 1 second, then updates the panel's feedback of all the TV's power states (about 12 of them).
Well, it sorta-works, but the really strange problem lies in the fact that my touch-panel page is designed with "button feedback type" set to "CHANNEL". When the button is pushed, it displays behavior like the feedback is set to MOMENTARY and flashes to the "ON" state while being pushed. This is causing the displayed power state of the TV to be wrong sometimes. It appears, the controller is getting confused if I am pushing buttons rapidly.
My main question is... WHY IS THE BUTTON FLASHING WHILE BEING PRESSED and not simply showing the on/off status of the TV. It did not always behave this way & I cannot determine when it started happening. It does not do this when the master is offline, so I know it has something to do with the ME260 and/or its code. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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