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Optimizing ICSPTCP3

Lately I've been getting allot of these messages in the diagnostics window and it's driving me nuts. This is on my personal system used for programming and testing so the codes is a bit messy but functional.

These massages only occur when debugging is on and I have structures in the watch bar for the device I'm presently working on, not production code yet but an update to older deployed code.

If I send a single command to the device to which the device may respond with a few lines or a lengthy list I'll get anywhere from 200 to the 430 lines of the following crap mixed in with the response printing in the diagnostics windows which makes following the RX data a PITA since I use allot of debug send_string 0's when developing. I also drop connection to the master sometimes.

Line    429 (09:13:25)::  Optimizing ICSPTCP3 messages with 800 messages in queue.
Line    430 (09:13:25)::  Optimization ICSPTCP3 complete with 800 messages now in queue.  0 messages avoided.
If I leave my debugging variable on, leave diagnostics running and the watch bar open with the structures I get these f' n annoying responses. If I simple remove the structures from the watch bar I get nothing other than the RX data. I increased the TCP Transmit Thread from the default 600 to 800 but they're still coming.

Is there anything that can be done other than removing the structure/s from the watch bar until after I issue my commands, print my debug and then put my structures back into the watch bar to see how it's populated. It's HTTP JSON-RPC so once it responds there's no data RX'd until I initiate another command so I don't have to worry about any unsolicited responses f' n me up.

Why can't AMX fix this problem with structures, it's so freakin' annoying!
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