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SEND_STRING 0 Max Length

I decided to maximize my string length that I send to diagnostics but I couldn't remember the max length, I searched tech notes and the forum here and couldn't find what I wanted either even though I know it has been discussed.

So after a quick test it appears the max length that diagnostics will print before truncating and appending ... is 236. I also found that if you copy the line printed in diagnostics you'll get more.
MAX printable 			= 236
Netlinx uses    		= 26 (Line     98 (16:38:03)::  )
Left for us to use		= 210 

so to maximize a send_string 0 we can send up to a 210 character string. I was thinking it was 180 but 210 does sound a little familiar too.

I think I goofed up some where cuz now it seems the max string print able is 210 not 236.
MAX printable 			= 210
Netlinx uses    		= 26 (Line     98 (16:38:03)::  )
Left for us to use		= 184 


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    It appears the real total length of a displayed string can be 213. It gets truncated at 210 which allows room for Netlinx to be appended ... (3 dots) at the end. So forget the previous two examples and go with these numbers:
    MAX printable 			= 213
    Netlinx uses    		= 26 (for: 'Line     98 (16:38:03)::  ')
    Left for us to use		= 187 
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