Ademco Vista-128BPT
I just got an Ademco (Honeywell) Vista-128BPT (Turbo Series) for testing and tweaking the UI module before deploying it to the field and I noticed some flaws on the AMX documented feedback. Under the SECSTATUS-<status> there are 4 documented status:
The first 3 status work, but the ALARM one, which is extremely important doesn't. I armed the system to AWAY mode or fully armed and when I breach a zone, the alarm goes off but the AMX Comm module never sends out the ALARM or ALARMED status out. I've tried many times breaching different zones and still the same issue. Therefore, the feedback on touch panels never gets to show ALARM or ALARMED, it still has the ARM AWAY button lit, even though the alarm is going off.
Another issue is that I noticed is that the Zone Status is not reported correctly in the module when the system is armed to either AWAY or HOME. It does report correctly when the system is disarmed. Again, when the system is armed and a zone is breached, the alarm goes off, but the AMX module is not sending/processing the ALARM status, neither it is reporting which zone was breached. The way it is now, the module is not reliable. It basically provides arming and disarming, but the ALARM feedback and zone Status feedback is not reliable, especially when the system is alarming, when it should matter the most. The physical alarm keypad reports the breaches correctly.
Is there anything am missing here? The system is communicating correctly, but I am having these feedback issues. Have any of you noticed this limitation?
* Note: For those that want some type of individual zone feedback other than the simple text box, here is a function I edited from another alarm module to process it:
The first 3 status work, but the ALARM one, which is extremely important doesn't. I armed the system to AWAY mode or fully armed and when I breach a zone, the alarm goes off but the AMX Comm module never sends out the ALARM or ALARMED status out. I've tried many times breaching different zones and still the same issue. Therefore, the feedback on touch panels never gets to show ALARM or ALARMED, it still has the ARM AWAY button lit, even though the alarm is going off.
Another issue is that I noticed is that the Zone Status is not reported correctly in the module when the system is armed to either AWAY or HOME. It does report correctly when the system is disarmed. Again, when the system is armed and a zone is breached, the alarm goes off, but the AMX module is not sending/processing the ALARM status, neither it is reporting which zone was breached. The way it is now, the module is not reliable. It basically provides arming and disarming, but the ALARM feedback and zone Status feedback is not reliable, especially when the system is alarming, when it should matter the most. The physical alarm keypad reports the breaches correctly.
Is there anything am missing here? The system is communicating correctly, but I am having these feedback issues. Have any of you noticed this limitation?
* Note: For those that want some type of individual zone feedback other than the simple text box, here is a function I edited from another alarm module to process it:
DEFINE_FUNCTION ProcessZones(CHAR sZnStr[]) { //SECPOINTSTATUS-90,ACTIVE //SECPOINTSTATUS-25,BYPASSED //SECPOINTSTATUS-15,FAULT //SECPOINTSTATUS-250,INVALID nConcZone = ATOI(REMOVE_STRING(sZnStr, ',', 1)) SELECT { // Send Fault bitmap ACTIVE(FIND_STRING(sZnStr , 'FAULT', 1) || //FIND_STRING(sZnStr , 'INVALID', 1) || FIND_STRING(sZnStr , 'BYPASSED', 1)): { ON[dvTP, dcZONE_ARRAY[nConcZone]] dcZONE_STATUS[nConcZone] = 1 } // Send Secure bitmap ACTIVE(FIND_STRING(sZnStr , 'ACTIVE', 1)): { OFF[dvTP, dcZONE_ARRAY[nConcZone]] dcZONE_STATUS[nConcZone] = 0 } } }
That's disappointing. I have a job in a couple weeks using that module so I can let you know what I find out. Security commands documents tend to be difficult or impossible to get, so this is not good to hear. Can you use the PASSBACK command to listen for the alarm command?
Is it possible for you to upload the old non-duet module for us. It is not available from AMX anymore. Maybe it works better... as most non-duet modules do.
But, at any rate, here it is folks.
I wonder if you could just slam the rs232 port with baud 9600 commands. hmmmm... if it wasn't an alarm system it might be worth trying.
They also will NOT divulge the protocols. When we dug in hard, they admitted they were different and only disclosed to trusted corporate partners. AMX is forbidden to give out the protocol to dealers, only to provide the "black box" module. Which is woefully inadequate and faulty.
They explain that this is to protect Honeywell from Chinese knock-off boards using a public protocol.
So unless you backward engineer it like the Chinese are doing anyway*, you aren't going to get the BPT to be satisfying.
(* - as we did... but can't share or we'll be sued)
Did you call TS? If you complain they might pass it to the Duet group and someone might fix it.
I haven't done a virtual keypad in years. Does anybody have a code sample for this? I basically need numbers 1 to 9 and the OK button to process it. In addition, a text box to append the digits entered, so the end user can see what he is typing. The idea is that after typing the password and pressing OK or Done, the string gets sent to the UI module out of PORT 7.
Kevin D.
To enter Programming: Installer Code + 8 + 0 + 0 + 0
Program *05: Enter 1 to view all zone faults/restores, enter 0 to view only events enabled in 1*79
Program *14: Enter 1 to set RS232 input at TB4 (Built-in Serial Port)
Program *79: Zone types restore reports for types 1-8 set to 1
Program *80: Zone types restore reports for types 9,10,16 and 14 set to 1
SETTINGS these last 3 made the difference
Program 1*78: Enter 1 for Extended Protocol Event reports, enter 0 for Simple
Program 1*79: To enable Event Log Types, enter 1 for each entry, 0 = disable
Program 1*80: When enabled automatically transfers zone fault/restore data of the RS232 output (TB4)
To program a field like 1*78 you need to enter the ALT PROGRAMMING by using #94 while in regular programming mode, then just enter *78 as regular programming. This was what hold me up until talking to an alarm expert.