Memory issues with NXD-500/700i
I am running into a memory issue and I'm wondering if others have come across this. I have a panel file that is 16MB large as a TPD file. Its not running properly on a NXD--500i, and getting a low memory warning on a 700i. Both have identical memory specs of 128/256 SDRAM/Flash. I have an R4 file that is 8MB and runs fine so you would think that a file twice that size would have no issues running on an in wall panel. I know the relationship between file size and memory isn't linear but this surprises me. Anyone seen any issues with these panels? The same file runs fine on iPads and MVP-9000i panels.
Here's the stats on a 700i in my own system:
Panel project file size: 28 MB
Firmware 2.86.24
File space - 62 meg free of 128mb
RAM - 2 mb free of 64 MB
Works fine.
I found that the latest firmware for the 430 panels ate so much RAM in international font support that it left insufficient room for anything but the smallest project. Dropping back one version in firmware and all is fine again.
I note that the current firmware for this panel is 2.92.5, but as it addresses issues I don't have, and as it has the new "reboot panel automatically if it loses connection to the master" headache, I have not updated. The newer firmware may be your problem in memory....
Hmmm, yes something must be amiss. Are you using any animations? That seems to be what obviously slows down. AMX TS is looking at my file to see what might be up, but I get 2MB of free RAM as well. I was running 2.86.24 when the problem occurred and .5 notes mentioned something about display problems so I updated it. When I updated to .5, the panel blew out my panel file. Now when I load it, it will work for a minute and then go to the setup screen like the panel file was blown out again. I have to think there is a firmware or hardware issue. The default fonts take 2.1 MB so my project is really only 14 MB. Unless I've figured out a way to create popups in such a way that the file expands an order of magnitude upon loading, there must be a memory leak or something else gobbling up memory. I have dynamo images in the file, but the thing will slow to a crawl or blow out the file without flipping to that page. Both 500 panels and AMX's 700 panel they tested my file with are doing this when my file is loaded so I don't know the issue might be.
The memory issue has to do with system reserving memory for everything up to the highest port/code, not necessarily just the size of the TP file.
It might be. The DSC security module I am using is at port 7 but AMX uses channel numbers in the 3000 range and I didn't change it. I wish there was a way to tell how much memory that was using rather than just guessing. The highest port number I am using is 11, so nothing too crazy that you would think would cause a panel to crash. The same file runs fine on the other panels, but these 500/700s can't seem to deal with it. I am using some levels in the 200-300 range on port 11 as well which I can change.