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Lifesize Icon 600

I'm trying to control a Lifesize Icon 600 with the modules of AMX. I'm having a lot of trouble with this. I can't readout the addressbook, only the favorites. Pan/tilt-speed levels don't work, when a call is disconnected, the feedback still says 'connected', when there is a message on the screen, i can't control te set until the message times-out.
I'm getting a little desperate.

Does anybodys have experiance with controlling the LifeSize Icon 600? I'm hoping to get some advice or examples.


  • Duncan EllisDuncan Ellis Posts: 170
    I used the duet Module for another lifesize and had the same problem. I just coded around it.....no choice!

    If you want a simple solution you can mimic the remote buttons using 232 commands and use the OSD to guide the user.
  • DorinKDorinK Posts: 1
    I´m working with this ICON600 too and I have a lot of problems too...
    My Big Problem is that I cannot use the DTMF. Have anyone some Ideas??? ( Is very important for my Project because the most users are using a virtual-vc-room with a DTMF-Passwort!)

    About your Adressbook-search. You have to switch the D:P:S from 41001:1:1 to 41001:2:1 in your Phonebook-module. (the first Port is for the Local phonebook;like Favorites and the second Port ist for the Corporate Phonebook)



    vdvLifeSizeIcon = 41001:1:0 // The COMM module should use this as its duet device
    vdvLifeSizeIcon2 = 41001:2:0 // Line 2
    dvLifeSizeIcon = 0:3:0 // ETHERNET CONTROL


    DEV vdvDev[] = {vdvLifeSizeIcon}
    DEV vdvDev2[] = {vdvLifeSizeIcon,vdvLifeSizeIcon2}

    DEV vdvDev_PB[] = {vdvLifeSizeIcon2}

    DEFINE_MODULE 'LifeSize Icon PhonebookComponent' phonebook(vdvDev_PB, vdv_TP, nLifeSizeIcon, nPhonebookPages)

    THX a lot & greetings !!!
  • m.Bernerm.Berner Posts: 16
    Controll a Icon 800

    Does anyone know if this modul ist working with the Lifesize Icon 800 Device as well ?
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