Axcent 2 IR repair
I have come across a lot of Axcent 2's that have IR ports that seem to be "dead". The carrier is present when viewed with a CCD camera, but the commands never seem to get there. Zapping the IR to default doesn't seem to help.
I have many customers with axcent 2's who aren't happy that they may have to replace the unit just to get an IR port back. I've always been lucky that they have unused ports I can switch them to.
Anyone had this problem and know a radio shack (ha ha) repair?
I have many customers with axcent 2's who aren't happy that they may have to replace the unit just to get an IR port back. I've always been lucky that they have unused ports I can switch them to.
Anyone had this problem and know a radio shack (ha ha) repair?
Have you tried to verify that the IR's are set up correctly?(pulse time, etc) Does it work if download only 1 IR command? I assume from what you wrote that when you activate that port and you see the IR pulse with the camera, have you tried to scope the port to see if this is a modulated pulse or just the carrier. Will an AXB-IRS4 work with an Axcent 2? If it will, it would be likely cheaper than a full system upgrade.