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The Stars Are Going Out

Sorry for the Dr. Who reference... :)

Have any of you noticed the trend of AMX (Netlinx or Duet) modules quietly going away? I have a fairly large repository of AMX modules. As a matter of course, If I pull one up to include in a program that I haven't used in a while, I'll run over to the AMX site to see if I still have the most current version. I've noticed that they seem to be phasing out some of the modules.

I can understand this for stuff that is no longer relevant (Say for example: Escient Music Servers which have been off the market for a long time.) but some missing ones are still current stuff.


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    nickmnickm Posts: 152
    I've seen the opposite as concerned with the more commercial-oriented gear. It's rare that a mainstream display, codec, or other device is not in the library by the time I go to add it into code. Now whether the posted module has the functionality I require and is bug-free is a completely separate issue :-)
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    DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Some of them are so danged buggy, or just way overblown, it's just as well they go away if they are not going to be updated. Also, sometimes a Duet update can break a Duet module, so again, if there is no update, it may as well go away. There are also a number that were written by a third party, and they may not want to be forced to support them (just ran against that case myself the other day - flaky module that no one at AMX knew anything about because it was written by someone else but not the equipment vendor).
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