Relay switch for sprinklers
Has anyone used the relay ports on their controller, like the NI-3100, to control sprinklers? If so, each AMX controller Relay switch port has 2 slots, one for power and one for the sprinkler valve, then when u program a Sprinkler event, the relay switch contacts and the valves engage. So my question is how many volts would go into the port? I have a 24 volt transformer with 2 wires that goto the rainbird controller, and do both these wires go into the port for the relay switch on AMX controller?
I hope I explained this right
I hope I explained this right
Then tie all the returns from the valves to the other line on the transformer.(ground if the 24 volts is DC)
Then you trigger relay for each zone you want to run respectively. I do this at my house since my rain bird controller is dead.
The transformer is a 24 volt step down AC from 115 volts, not DC. There are 2- 24 volt leads which the polarity is not an issue - I guess no positive/negative since it is not DC
My RainBird controller is still good I just tapped into it to the AMX NI 3100. I have the 2 yellow leads from the transformer, 24 volt step down AC, tied together, daisy chain them to all the "A" ports , which represents power, on the AMX relays (so one wire goes to port A of relay switch 1, another wire goes to Port A of switch 2, etc), then each individual "B" port would goes to my Rainbird controller , tied in with the wire from the valve , which are already in the rainBird controller, so wire from valve one in slot one of the rainbird controller, I have AMX port B relay switch one, tied to it - and so on.
I think this is correct but want to hear if this is correct because I don't want to fry out transformer. My concern is tying both yellow wires together from transformer to Rainbird controller (which there are 2-24 volt slots one for each yellow wire, then take two leads from transformer, which yellow wires are separated, to the AMX panel where both yellow wires are together , wire nut them with the power leads to each indiv Port A of each relay AMX switch.
I think this will work.
Edit: since your valves are likely outside in a ground hand box you may want to add cheap relays to isolate to NI's relay from shorts that often occur from digging when planting new plants.
Altronix - 6 for $22
These are robust enough for 120 volt switching, and sensitive enough to drive off the logic-level IO ports on a NetLinx, or of course, with the relay section (but that will require 12v for the relay... the IO's just work, and are seldom full anyway).
Also, another Altronix favorite, the universal timer. Perfect for revising the logic or timing of pulses.
$16 each, and a godsend for wacky lifts and such.
We used to solder these on by hand but then Dave introuced us to the RB610 and life got allot easier.