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Firmware for NI-700 problems

Hi, the problem arose when the updated firmware to a newer version. Master firmware 2.96.218 want to upgrade to version 4.1.404. As a result, the upgrade master writes "Transfer aborted - firmware ID is invalid" changing device 5001 writes "Transfer Aborted - Not enouph memory availabel on device to hold file. Memory required: 524505 Memory availabel: 0 "
1.jpg 80.6K


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Is the firmware you want to install actually FOR the 700 you actually have?
    Check the memory size of the 700. If it is not a 64 meg model, there's not enough memory in the unit to use the firmware you are trying to install.

    For 700's,
    Serials starting 210503 are the old units... 32 meg, can't use 64 meg firmware.
    Serials starting 210570 are the 64 meg units that are required for the new huge firmware.

    Re 900's,
    210509 serials are old 32 meg.
    210590 serials are the new ones with 64 meg.
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