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Forum Search ATT: Moderators

Hi AMX Forums Moderators,

I think you need to reindex the Forum search, it is currently (and has been for a few days) giving limited search results.

Search MD5, the same as the thread I just posted.. to test this :) I have searched this last year with more results than 0.




  • ijedijed Posts: 28
    Yep - 4 char minimum for searching.

    Makes searching for TLA's impossible

  • CameronCameron Posts: 56
    Makes sense, I wonder who moderates - it would be good to try and get this rectified :)


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Cameron wrote: »
    Makes sense, I wonder who moderates - it would be good to try and get this rectified :)



    This forum is moderated and managed by AMX. (Susan Youngblood Is the only moderator I believe)

    The search has long been wonky. We've all just kinda learned to work around it.

    The forum is a service offered by AMX for use for free by the user community. They have done a great job keeping it going for so long. It has been a valuable service to me. Is it perfect? Nope. But it's stable, ad free and it doesn't cost us a dime.

    Edited to add: also, so you know... AMX does not monitor the forum much at all. They tend to stay off it as a matter of policy. There are a couple of AMX employees who make appearance but it's pretty rare. They stay out so we can piss and moan and say mean things without lightning fallng from the sky for blasphemy. I also know a few folks who find all the complaining depressing. So, they just avoid it.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    ericmedley wrote: »
    I also know a few folks who find all the complaining depressing. So, they just avoid it.

    Like I always say, if you don't complain, then don't complain.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    People likely to complain do. Those who are content do not. So if a moderator sees they have 100 active users, and only 3 of them are complaining, it isn't unreasonable for them to think the issue is overblown. SO if you have one, make it known.
  • Search

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've alerted our administrator and will follow up when work is complete.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    DHawthorne wrote: »
    People likely to complain do. Those who are content do not. So if a moderator sees they have 100 active users, and only 3 of them are complaining, it isn't unreasonable for them to think the issue is overblown. SO if you have one, make it known.

    That's spurious. There was a huge and dangerous pothole that developed in my neighborhood recently. When it rains, it was particularly dangerous because it would fill with water and you couldn't tell how deep it was. If a motorcycle or bike hit it they were doomed, and if a car hit it you can expect a blown tire and bent rim and a loss of control of the vehicle. Every day I passed it and thought surely one of my neighbors would report such a large and dangerous pothole. I began to assume that the city was being lazy and that it had been reported, but the city hadn't gotten around to it yet or had ignored the complaint.

    I went out of town for a couple of weeks, and when I got back it was still there!? So I called the city to ream them out, and to my surprise I was told no one had reported it yet. The city came out the next day and fixed it. I believe this is called the bystander effect, where no one will do anything about a problem if there are others witnessing it too. So, knowing this, I don't wait for others to complain and/or step in to fix something, I just do it myself. I get tagged as a complainer, but at least stuff gets fixed more quickly.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've alerted our administrator and will follow up when work is complete.

    Whoops! My apologies for misspelling your name Suzanne! My bad!
  • CameronCameron Posts: 56
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've alerted our administrator and will follow up when work is complete.

    Thanks Suzanne!!! Also thanks everyone else for your replies :) it has been both informative and entertaining ;P
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    You misunderstood me. I was saying exactly the same thing: you can't expect results if you don't complain. And we are talking forums, not road repairs, the dynamics are different.
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    That's spurious. There was a huge and dangerous pothole that developed in my neighborhood recently. When it rains, it was particularly dangerous because it would fill with water and you couldn't tell how deep it was. If a motorcycle or bike hit it they were doomed, and if a car hit it you can expect a blown tire and bent rim and a loss of control of the vehicle. Every day I passed it and thought surely one of my neighbors would report such a large and dangerous pothole. I began to assume that the city was being lazy and that it had been reported, but the city hadn't gotten around to it yet or had ignored the complaint.

    I went out of town for a couple of weeks, and when I got back it was still there!? So I called the city to ream them out, and to my surprise I was told no one had reported it yet. The city came out the next day and fixed it. I believe this is called the bystander effect, where no one will do anything about a problem if there are others witnessing it too. So, knowing this, I don't wait for others to complain and/or step in to fix something, I just do it myself. I get tagged as a complainer, but at least stuff gets fixed more quickly.
  • Re-indexed

    Just following up: the search has been re-indexed. Are your searches getting results that are more in line with what you typically see? Our admin informed me that the issue with searches being a minimum of four characters is an inherent limitation in VBulletin's search function.
  • ericmedley wrote: »
    Whoops! My apologies for misspelling your name Suzanne! My bad!

    No worries! Thanks!
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    DHawthorne wrote: »
    You misunderstood me. I was saying exactly the same thing: you can't expect results if you don't complain. And we are talking forums, not road repairs, the dynamics are different.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding. That was an analogy, and I think its a universal one. I've worked with teams in software/hardware, and it seems to be the same thing. Everyone always assumes someone else will complain so they don't, which means no one does. Fear of being labeled a complainer or troublemaker likely has something to do with it as well. So now I just complain. I wish complaining didn't have the negative connotation that it seems to have developed. Its by complaining that anything ever improves. Imagine the world we would live in if no one ever complained about anything. We'd all still be using Windows 98! It seems that whining and complaining have become synonymous, but they most certainly are not.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 56
    Just following up: the search has been re-indexed. Are your searches getting results that are more in line with what you typically see? Our admin informed me that the issue with searches being a minimum of four characters is an inherent limitation in VBulletin's search function.

    Hi Suzanne, it can be done :)



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