MAX Server Repair or Used for Sale
in MAX by AMX
I recently acquired a client who has a Max Server he used for music. It is supposedly broken and I don't think AMX repairs them anymore. Does anyone know who might repair them or still have a few sitting around in a stock room.
Thank You in advance
David Groves
High IQ Homes of Texas, LLC
Thank You in advance
David Groves
High IQ Homes of Texas, LLC
At this point in time there are cost effective alternatives that can replace it's functionality. You can replace an entire $100,000 MAX system for about $3k using HTPCs and XBMC. There are tons of more polished alternatives too that are cost effective.
That said, I'm not sure they would do it again, and I don't think they have an obligation to either. You would do so much better in any case to sell them a new K-Scape or ReQuest (or, if you don't mind spending the time to patch their kludgy modules, an Autonomic).