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Network interface error

Has anyone ever seen these messages:

Line 1 (13:40:44):: Network interface error:
Line 2 (13:40:44):: updating program ID: Timeout
Line 3 (13:40:44):: installProgId failed
Line 4 (13:40:44):: CLontalk:Run - Force LON_READY

It seems it just starting happening. I restarted router and WAP and still getting messages when I enable Netlinx diagnostic messages


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Perhaps these messages are coming from the CLon_Talk module you are running and are not necessarily runtime errors? You know... A send_string 0, bla bla bla written in the code.
  • Network interface error

    u know all I did was unplug and wait 20 seconds and replug router and those messages went away. Probably should have done that first before I posted.
  • These messages come from the chip that controls ICSNet. Here's a quote from another thread:
    AlexArtist wrote: »
    I called Tech Support and they said LonTalk is the name of the Chip that controls ICSNet. (LonTalkIF is some kinda specialized error, i dont remember what he said it means) And the error installProgID Failed means that an ICSNet card isn't loading or talking properly on the ICSNet bus. I checked the Online Tree and it was true. Two cards fell off the bus. I reseated them, nothing happened. I put them in different slots and now they work and then i put them back in their original slots and strangely they work now in the original slots. So Viola! The error has gone away.

    Also, there was another error about cMessagePipe getting full and tIPConMgr. I was told cMessagePipe is used to process messages going to AMX devices, and tIPConMgr will eventually tell the cMessagePipe to clear if a device is finally detected as offline (Seems to not work quick enough though). And since these messages only occured at startup, i was told it's probably because i was sending FB in mainline to panels before they have come online. And so i programmed in an 'IF' to block Feedback unless panel is online, and again Viola! That issue got fixed.

    So, no more issues. And i thank AMX Tech support for the good advice. (And not keeping me in the dark)

    I feel I've seen this issue most often with a large program that is doing too much in the "DEFINE_START" sections before any devices are online. Try enabling DEVICE HOLDOFF (TechNote 988), and use ONLINE events for initially configuring devices.
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