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Trapping for warm-up & cool-down for Panasonic PT-DW11K?

First time working with a Panasonic DW11K projector. I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to query the projector during power-up and power-down sequences to determine when it's actually completely powered up or powered down.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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    If it is anything like the PT-DW6xxx series projector, you would send it "$02,'ADZZ;Q$S',$03". You get back a 0 for off, 1 for warmup, 2 for on, or 3 for cooldown.
  • Options
    Just a quick note on this issue - I haven't tried implementing Danny's suggestion yet, because I was under the gun to get something working. The warm-up and cool-down times are very consistent, so I just faked it with a timeline. Next time I have work to do in that installation (next week), I'll try the suggestion.

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