G4 Web Controls Failure
I am running Win 7 with IE 9. When I can conect to my Ni and See the panels that are connected to it. But when I click on the Panle IP I get a black pop up box. It ask me to install AMXG4WebConrol.cab. Which I say ok. but I still only get the black box. It worked on my old computer that had IE 8
I've found the whole web control thing to be a black art. I've kept a whole arsenal of things to try and I've never seen a guaranteed "this one always works" solution. For some reason my IE will work just fine when the person sitting right next to me with the same OS and theirs doesn't work. With IE it seems that certain plug-ins need to install. And it seems there are two things that need to install. In other words you launch one time, installs the first plug-in but doesn't work, launch a second time and it installs the other one and works.
My IE is actually pretty good at working.
I also find that RealVNC and TightVNC work when IE doesn't. I have presets setup on the VNC clients with the "usual" settings but they don't always work. Also the clients don't like to run multiple instances at one time, which IE can do.
SO which IE are you using?. My Company uses VNC for troubleshooting. It's on a different Network than my Controls are on , So I can not use that one. Does Tight VNC have to be activeed on the panels or do I just need to know the IP ahnd Ports.
TIGHT is recommended as a client (there is a TIGHT SERVER too but you don't need that). Some VNC viewers can't handle the AMX 18-bit color depth correctly, so just use TIGHT.
The problem you have with trying to use IE or other browsers is that the plug-ins are out of date and security settings won't let them run. The VNC plugins for browsers are the problem, and NOT USING A BROWSER is the answer.
I just install Tight vnc viewer and it is working great. Thanks fo the info
You do need to access the Advanced options to get to these... but the main one that needs to be enabled is "Always Use Best Color Quality"
That's just IP Networking 101... The ICSLAN is just an isolated network with the router being located inside the NX-based master. To make that work your laptop would need to be plugged into the ISCLAN. Hence, this is a good example of why you shouldn't put TPs on the ICSLAN... You should only put devices that never never never need to access the outside world.
So, as long as you don't need to use the VNC port, you're okay. Otherwise, put the panel on the same network as the computer and point it to the NX master via its outside LAN port.
Just FYI, on the Mac version of RealVNC, there isn't a companion "use best color quality" checkbox. Instead, to keep from getting the black screen, I have to turn off "Adapt to network speed" and run the quality slider bar up to maximum. Otherwise, works great.