Universal Remotes & TV Managers
in AMX Hardware
Does anyone know of a low-cost universal remote control that is capable sending IR that is compatible with AMX's television managers? One that will generate PUSH events based on received IR signals.
This may be an uneducated question, but I will venture it anyway. I tried programming a universal remote using a 32-button amx remote (those huge square non-ergonomic boxes). I was able to teach my universal about 8 codes before it filled up its memory. HUH? That didn't make much sense.
I then captured a few channels using an IRIS box, and visually inspected the IR data compared to some generic consumer devices. Is it true that AMX ir codes are twice as long in length than most other devices? Is anyone "in-the-know" about how AMX assigned the IR code format to correspond to the complimentary PUSH_CHANNELS 128 through 246?
This may be an uneducated question, but I will venture it anyway. I tried programming a universal remote using a 32-button amx remote (those huge square non-ergonomic boxes). I was able to teach my universal about 8 codes before it filled up its memory. HUH? That didn't make much sense.
I then captured a few channels using an IRIS box, and visually inspected the IR data compared to some generic consumer devices. Is it true that AMX ir codes are twice as long in length than most other devices? Is anyone "in-the-know" about how AMX assigned the IR code format to correspond to the complimentary PUSH_CHANNELS 128 through 246?
Kevin D.
We use RTI on our simpler systems and AMX on the more advanced systems. Recently, RTI (or AMX?) has come up with codes for thier remotes that will send RF signals to a 433Mhz AXR-RF box. You would then assign channel codes to the RTI and program events in code just as you would any other Interface. Esentially making the RTI Remote an "AMX Device".
What is RTI?
Could you post an example of this?
Which would be the appropriate way to trigger existing macros in the code with a button press at the RTI remote?. I'm trying something like this but it is not working.
There are many ways to do this.
The first one that comes to mind based on your example is:
From Netlinx Studio Keywords Help:
"The TO command is used to activate a channel or variable for as long as the corresponding channel of its PUSH statement is activated. When the channel referenced by the PUSH statement changes from Off to On, the TO command starts activating the associated channel or variable. When the channel is released, the TO command stops activating the channel or variable."
In your example, there is no PUSH statement on [dvtp,1002]. Therefore the TO doesn't work.
yeah, Do_Push is a function....sorry...
We've done it both ways.
Oddly enough, you can get the IR hex codes from the Pronto file, learn them into an AMX IR emitter, then use that to learn the codes into the universal remote of your choice.
We just did a house with lots of IR remotes (MX-700s) that we learned the AMX codes to. (only in A/V does the previous sentence make sense. May my English prof have mercy on my soul...) We used both the IR recievers on the NI-700s and the MIO IR reciever. The customer (for some reasoin) wanted almost all the functions they had on an MVP-8400 on a small remote too. The wife was very technophobic.
We had some bad issues in both cases.
NI-700: There seems to be an issue of the NI-700 recieving and sending an IR code at the same time. Say for example the IR code you're sending from the remote is telling the program to flash the IR emitter on the same NI-700. It does not work and it really fouls up the NI-700 for a few seconds while it clears out whatever errors are piling up.
MIO IR reciever. It is not plasma friendly to the extreme. We ended up locating them in the equipment rack and used Dinky Links to get the IR from the room down to them. Putting them in the same room with a plasma display pretty well knocked them out.
Also, one problem with the Pronto captured codes. Although other remote manufacturers can pull in the proto files, they don't always loop the IR codes the same way. We found after a lot of heartache, that it was still best to not use the software for the MX-700 to import the Pronto hex code and just load the file to a real pronto and capture the IR codes the old-fashioned way. We did end up buying a real MIO remote because of some possible file damage and AMX codes that didn't work from the REmote Central file download. (as an aside, our MIO remote's batteries last about 2 weeks before going dead. munch munch munch)
I'm real sure that we'll never do a system like this again. we will offer some limited functionality via IR remotes but not this extensive.
We've also used the RTI RF remotes. (particularly the water proof ones for use in a spa and/or pool) They've worked great and have a pretty good range. I've got one over 100 feet away from the reciever working very well.