Panasonic TH85-VX
Hi guys,
I have this PDP to control usig IP terminal.
I tried many commands i found but no result. All i get from PDP is: PDPCONTROL ERRA
I used hercules terminal program to send the data.
Please help me!
In the end, PDP will be integrated in an AMX control system.
Thank you,
I have this PDP to control usig IP terminal.
I tried many commands i found but no result. All i get from PDP is: PDPCONTROL ERRA
I used hercules terminal program to send the data.
Please help me!
In the end, PDP will be integrated in an AMX control system.
Thank you,
I still have a strange problem with this plasma display:
- after few minutes it disconnects from the lan - the connection is down (no ping request, no led on switch) and I can reconnect it only if I unplug and plug back the ethernet cable or power off/power on the plasma form the main switch (no stand by).
What sould I do?
Thank you!
Quite often these devices have an energy saving mode where they deliberately shut "non-essential" things down to conserve their energy use. I personally find quite often these modes are patently silly and not thought through. but, I digress...
you may need to search through the menu and/or manual to see if there is such a mode and if so, is it the problem. It may be as simple as turning off the energy saving mode.
it also may be a problem with the hardware itself. If other TVs of the same model are not doing it, then you'll need to contact the manufacturer on that.
It is entirely possible that the network switch is the problem as well. The fact that you can fix the problem by unplugging and resetting the ethernet cable might suggest that. to check this you simply need to change ports on the switch for a while and see if it goes away. Or swap out the network switch too.
your last resort is to look at another control method. Since you have IP there already - you can switch over to almost anything
If no result, i'll change the control method.
thank you!