Strange Feedbcak from biamp Audia
We have installation involving DVX 3155 and biam audia wherein I get strange feedback from port 1.
also strange is I try all port same command and same equipment but different port, and I get different respond.
port 1 i get this respond String From [5001:1:1]-[\]$D5$D7$FB$BFm_}ww[$EB$00]
Port 2 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
port 3 no respond at all
port 4 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
port 5 no respond at all
port 6 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
the first port have strange feedback, the most strange things is why port 3 and 5 didn't respond with all same setup,
same equipment, same cable and same program.
also strange is I try all port same command and same equipment but different port, and I get different respond.
port 1 i get this respond String From [5001:1:1]-[\]$D5$D7$FB$BFm_}ww[$EB$00]
Port 2 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
port 3 no respond at all
port 4 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
port 5 no respond at all
port 6 i get proper respond String From [5001:2:1]-[#GETD 0 IPADDR$0D$0A]
the first port have strange feedback, the most strange things is why port 3 and 5 didn't respond with all same setup,
same equipment, same cable and same program.
Port setting should be 38400:8:N:1 for that device
Yes everything is same 9600. It's define in the program
I try that already, and I get all the feedback I need in all port, but once I'm on site, I create simple program, in all port.
the result is what I posted earlier. the strange things is, why Biamp nexia only have feedback in some port and not in all + port 1 have weird respond
DATA_EVENT [dvNEXIA] //whichever port you are using eg 5001:1:0 or 5001:2:0
Maybe having it in Define_Program is inconsistent in running the Send_Commands in the order you have it set to
Just a thought??
Yes As Im saying, its one program (simple program) which I send to same unit in the same cable.
im just changing the connection and the port no. in the program while Im doing the test.
What I did is create a simple program.
then change the port no. every time i need to test the port.
like 5001:1:0 then put the rs232 to port 1.
next 5001:2:0 then port 2. then so on and so on