Testing NI Controllers
in AMX Hardware
I've been asked to test a few controllers that we are unsure of their working state.
So, i thought i'd throw it out there..
Has anyone written a bit of code to test the simple functionality of an unknown NI Controller?
E.g. Using Loop back serial connectors and sending strings, pulsing Relays, queering firmware.. Maybe writing that info to a text file
I've been asked to test a few controllers that we are unsure of their working state.
So, i thought i'd throw it out there..
Has anyone written a bit of code to test the simple functionality of an unknown NI Controller?
E.g. Using Loop back serial connectors and sending strings, pulsing Relays, queering firmware.. Maybe writing that info to a text file
To test your Serial port just connect pin 2 & 3. Send out a string and see if it comes back right
To test your Relay port, just telnet in and pulse[D:P:S] to see if the relay responds, if you want to check the voltage use a meter.
I think you mean querying, not queering. The two are extremely different
If you want to check multiple units I can understand you wanting code to do it, it would be a relatively small program. I checked my library for you, but I haven't written any tests that thoroughly check the master itself.
I think you better use Google, it give me a big smile
Have a nice day.