Recommended VNC?
in AMX Hardware
What would be the recommended VNC program for G4 usage? I have used several with success, but I'm wondering what the official (or unofficial) recommendation is. Hopefully it would be one of the free ones.
Thank you.
What would be the recommended VNC program for G4 usage? I have used several with success, but I'm wondering what the official (or unofficial) recommendation is. Hopefully it would be one of the free ones.
Thank you.
I like to use RealVNC. The only issue I've had before - and I don't know if the problem is with the G4 panel or the RealVNC software - was when I was entering text from my keyboard. The panel would get all freaky and sorts when I did that. Such as entering in the protected setup password. Other than that, RealVNC works great - and it's free. It can be used as a client or a server, so you can use it to view your panel from a PC, or for your panel to view your PC.
by the way Mac OSX now has VNC built in.
i found i could G4 PC control to the Mac fine from a Wireless MVP-8400, but from a hardwired CV7 the refresh rate was dismal, about a frame a minute (both setups were to the same Mac).
not sure why that problem is there, but otherwise the client and i were pleased to see the Mac on a G4.
Curious to learn that VNC is built in in Mac OSX, if so, how do you use it ? as till now I used Chicken of the VNC client to connect to Moderos from my mac computers.
Are you saying there's already one there? Perhaps I just need to go into a control panel to turn it on?
That would be slick...
- Chip
the people who own them have turned it on.
in a control panel somewhere.. called remote access(ish), possibly in a firewall setting somewhere.
check the mac help, i am sure that's where it is described.
- Chip