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DEFINE_START with the new NX Series

Ok, been reading people saying not to use the DEFINE_START section of code with the new NX series. (Not talking about the DEFINE_PROGRAM section - fully understand the self resetting loop from variables changing in this section)

1. Blanket ban use of this section is not possible because some commands can only be in here e.g. CREATE_BUFFER.

2. No mention of not using this section is talked about in the NX Series Programming guide and they even use it in examples including the DEFINE_PROGRAM alternative. (The DEFINE_PROGRAM issue IS well explained here)

3. Variable changes in DEFINE_START will fire the DEFINE_PROGRAM section a few times but if nothing is in it then nothing will happen.

So my question is where did this information come from? And if so then what is the reasoning behind it.


  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    +1 on that. Just jumped on the forum for the first time in a while and was scratching my head after reading that. Any of the AMX engineering lurkers care to comment?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I first heard about it at Developers Conference last Summer. Don't quote me on the specifics but it has to do with how Java is running on the new box. I think the new under the hood processor is a Lnux box. All of this is suspect cmng from me, however.

    I have been doing without DEFNE_PROGRAM for some time. Doing without DEFNE_START is no bid deal either. Migrating older software that has stuff in Def_Start will be easy.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    I haven’t read or heard anything about nixing DEFINE_START either. The help file clearly states that CREATE_BUFFER can only appear in DEFINE_START. I tried putting it elsewhere and I got a:

    *ERROR: CREATE_BUFFER can only be used in a DEFINE_START section * compiler error.

    I was told long ago that DEFINE_MODULEs should be the last things listed under DEFINE_START so that’s where I’ve always put them all. Not sure if that’s a valid point or not but that’s the way I’ve always done it.

    Aside from CREATE_BUFFER, I’m not sure what else HAS to go under DEFINE_START. I used to call my initialization routines in DEFINE_START but I was advised that the program would be better served if I called those routines (which do a lot of disk I/O) within the ONLINE event of the first virtual device so that’s what I do now.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    I haven’t read or heard anything about nixing DEFINE_START either. The help file clearly states that CREATE_BUFFER can only appear in DEFINE_START. I tried putting it elsewhere and I got a:

    *ERROR: CREATE_BUFFER can only be used in a DEFINE_START section * compiler error.

    I was told long ago that DEFINE_MODULEs should be the last things listed under DEFINE_START so that’s where I’ve always put them all. Not sure if that’s a valid point or not but that’s the way I’ve always done it.

    Aside from CREATE_BUFFER, I’m not sure what else HAS to go under DEFINE_START. I used to call my initialization routines in DEFINE_START but I was advised that the program would be better served if I called those routines (which do a lot of disk I/O) within the ONLINE event of the first virtual device so that’s what I do now.

    I kinda wonder about CREATE_BUFFER too since it seems to handle incoming strings larger than the 2K limit of data.text. I've been using data.text to build buffers anyway for quite a while. (Just appending incmoning datat.text to the end of a buffer in the data_event:string and using a timeline to peel stuff bakc off. )

    But, I've not actually used this method with a web page scrape recnetly. So, it would be usedful to know if the data.text event drops any data. the data coming in off the network is 2K packages anyway. I don't remember if each packet constitues a single data.event or not.

    I'll just have to write a quick test code to test.

    if indeed it's okay, then CREATE_BUFFER can go the way of the dinosaurs too.

    On define_module: I tend to put those in a separate include and I don't think I have them anywhere in particular in the code stack. (I just checked) they come right after define_variable in the stack. So, I think as long as they are after define_variable we're okay.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
    In the discussions I have been in, there has been no reference to new cautions about DEFINE_START. In our Q4 AMX VIP conference call, the head of firmware spoke to the group specifically about DEFINE_PROGRAM. Had DEFINE_START also been a concern, it would have been discussed.

    This isn't to say that a potential issue may be lurking that field experience is demonstrating a new concern engineering should be looking at, but I am not personally aware of any cases at this time. When the data started to suggest DEFINE_PROGRAM should be handled differently, we were one of the first to be notified to ensure curriculum is updated to provide alternatives and guidance on how DEFINE_PROGRAM should be used.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    AMX_Chris wrote: »
    In the discussions I have been in, there has been no reference to new cautions about DEFINE_START. In our Q4 AMX VIP conference call, the head of firmware spoke to the group specifically about DEFINE_PROGRAM. Had DEFINE_START also been a concern, it would have been discussed.

    This isn't to say that a potential issue may be lurking that field experience is demonstrating a new concern engineering should be looking at, but I am not personally aware of any cases at this time. When the data started to suggest DEFINE_PROGRAM should be handled differently, we were one of the first to be notified to ensure curriculum is updated to provide alternatives and guidance on how DEFINE_PROGRAM should be used.

    Just as a point of clarification the disscion I seem to remember was during a break time - not "On the clcok" discussion. So, while Define_Program was discussed a bit, any discussion about Define_Start was strictly "off the record" water cooler talk. So, it may just be wild rumor.

    All this to say - it is entirely possible to write code that functions just like define_start did without using defien_start.
  • Unfortunately, I'm still using Define_Program for most of my feedback, and all of my buffer processing. It works great in NI controllers.

    Is the best alternative a timeline with a very short time, and basically move all the define_program stuff into that timeline?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
    Is the best alternative a timeline with a very short time, and basically move all the define_program stuff into that timeline?

    Yes, 300ms is not a terrible delay and it ensures that these items are not processed more frequently then that on the processor. You should also see a decrease in CPU usage for your NI processor by moving feedback out of DEFINE_PROGRAM.
  • NZRobNZRob Posts: 70
    Thanks Chris for the clarification, I figured if I didn't know then others wouldn't either and also others for your comments.

    Forums working as it should!
  • tdewildtdewild Posts: 49
    There is more to read about this in the NetLinx programming Language Last revised: 8/12/2014
    Page 3, 4 and 5: Understanding when DEFINE_PROGRAM Runs

    DEFINE_PROGRAM // Feedback Axcess and NI system

    [dvTP,1] = nSource = 1;

    Better to use a fail save timer

    DEFINE_PROGRAM // Feedback NX system (also on NI system)

    WAIT 1 // only run 10 times a second
    [dvTP,1] = nSource = 1;

    Also to prevent unhandled events which let DEFINE_PROGRAM run by using:
    PUSH: {}
    RELEASE: {}

    ON: {}
    OFF: {}

    And special attention when using LOOPS and variables in DEFINE_PROGRAM to prevent a high CPU usage, more on this on page 3, 4, 5.
  • RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
    For all my feedback, I create a function and recall that function inside define_program. Never run into issue with NI serie does it will affect the NX serie process?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Raphayo wrote: »
    For all my feedback, I create a function and recall that function inside define_program. Never run into issue with NI serie does it will affect the NX serie process?

    Yeah, that's what all the hubbub is about.

    An easy way to get your stuff out of define_program is to create a repeating timeline that you start at runtime. Then plop your function in there. You can tweak the speed of the timeline dynamically if you like. Speed it up. Slow it down. I'd start with Chris's suggestion of firing it every 300ms. That's three updates per second and is probably going to be plenty fast.
  • RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
    I will try that, I'm always create a timeline for a blinking state, why not doing the same thing for feedback.
  • ericmedley wrote: »
    An easy way to get your stuff out of define_program is to create a repeating timeline that you start at runtime.

    Which brings me back to the subject of this thread... Should I put that in DEFINE_START, or in an ONLINE event for a device? I have a lot of stuff in DEFINE_START too, some INCLUDE statements to load library files, initial opening of IP devices, etc.

    All that stuff in DEFINE_START should continue to work OK?
  • GregGGregG Posts: 251
    I really don't use define_start for much, but it works fine for Timeline_Creates and Create_Buffers for me with NI or NX masters.
  • Eric YoungEric Young Posts: 17
    What about 3rd party modules that have feedback in their define_program sections? Should those be moved to a timeline?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177

    Which brings me back to the subject of this thread... Should I put that in DEFINE_START, or in an ONLINE event for a device? I have a lot of stuff in DEFINE_START too, some INCLUDE statements to load library files, initial opening of IP devices, etc.

    All that stuff in DEFINE_START should continue to work OK?
    dvMyMaster = 0:01:0
            // put define_start stuff here
            // except for create_buffer\
            #if_defined Include_HVAC
                //HVAC Define_Start stuff here
            } // online
        } //d_e

    On the Include issue. that's a bit more tricky in that you really think of INCLUDEs as being kind of like a GOTO in basic: in other words the compiler at compile time just treats it like a linear pass and runs immediately off to the include to build the source. So, technically your source will detour in DEFINE_EVENT. But, if the data_event is the first thing in Define_Event then it's basically happening in the same place linearly.

    So, for example if the include file starts off with some define_device stuff it will error out since technically you're trying to put define_device and something along the lines of dv_a_Device=5001:01:0 inside a data_event.

    But, on the other hand - there's no reason that the include has to happen in define_start either. All my includes (conditional or otherwise) happen within the first lines of my main source file. (even before define_device) I tend to not do includes based upon devices but keep them more code-centric. That way I'm not constantly fighting the whole "This function isn't defined yet" or "that variable isn't defined yet.
  • GregGGregG Posts: 251
    Includes that depend on other includes to be referenced earlier in code can use the standard type of heading stanzas:
      INCLUDE 'NeededConstants.axi'
  • fogled@mizzoufogled@mizzou Posts: 549
    This is a question for Eric Medley... One thing I notice when I'm watching notifications on a controller reboot (at least in the NI world) is that I often get 3-4 online events for 0:1:0. Is that normal or do I have something screwy in my code causing that? Anything I put in there would either have to be trapped for a once-only, or end up getting fired multiple times. Do you ever run into this?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    This is a question for Eric Medley... One thing I notice when I'm watching notifications on a controller reboot (at least in the NI world) is that I often get 3-4 online events for 0:1:0. Is that normal or do I have something screwy in my code causing that? Anything I put in there would either have to be trapped for a once-only, or end up getting fired multiple times. Do you ever run into this?

    I don't know about that honestly (multiple online events)... My example is probably another instance of me not providing a good example to follow. I actually don't use port 1 of device zero for my pseudo-define_start. I typically have a virtual device I assign to all my project for debug purposes. it's in everything. I put the define_start thing there actually.

    And I would always say it's a good idea to trap for pesky stuttery events. I do as a matter of practice because I've been bit by them many times. It's almost muscle memory to me now.
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