DirecTV HR34 and HR44 Genie

So, I am looking for a module for the DirecTV Genie receivers...AMX has the HR21 and HR24 comm modules (that seem to work OK on the HR24 HDDVR), but nothing for the HR34 or HR44? I would guess the protocol is very similar; the power-on and power-off seem to work for the Genie when using the AMX HR24 module; and I get data-initialized/online indicators asserted, but the ?TITLE etc does not return any data.
Are there other modules out there that I am just not finding?
Are there other modules out there that I am just not finding?
Please make sure DirecTV unit settings are:
Whole-Home->External Device. External Access should be set to Allow, Current Program should be set to Allow, Recordings should be set to Allow and Share Playlist should be set to YES.
Please post your findings.
When the settings were not correct, we got this from putting in to a browser:
{ "code": 403,
"commandResult": 1,
"msg": "Forbidden.Command not allowed.",
"query": "/tv/getTuned"
after correcting the settings, we get all the data flowing thru the AMX module and just to check before loading Java modules, we tried the link again and received:
"callsign": "HISTHD",
"date": "20130204",
"duration": 3600,
"episodeTitle": "Ladies Know Best",
"isOffAir": false,
"isPclocked": 3,
"isPpv": false,
"isRecording": false,
"isVod": false,
"major": 269,
"minor": 65535,
"offset": 1304,
"programId": "9928771",
"rating": "TV-PG",
"startTime": 1430866800,
"stationId": 3900931,
"status": {
"code": 200,
"commandResult": 0,
"msg": "OK.",
"query": "/tv/getTuned"
"title": "American Pickers"
So, even through AMX does not document it, the HR44 does in fact work using the stock AMX HR24 module if the settings are correct.
On my next project i will be controlling about 15 of these boxes. I'll be using modules for HR-24 on NX controller. Will it work smooth? I never had 15 modules running simultaneously before... Is there any tricks i need to know?
Can i do it on NI device?
Thank you.
Further to your question: I do not know if the DirecTV modules are efficient enough or not. to allow 15 simultaneous instances...let us know how you fare.
Not to get all 'hater' on DirecTV, but my feelings on this are that DirecTV's issues with control have mostly been with DirecTV. Over the many years of dealing with them I've almost felt that they are somewhat sadistic when it comes to their control API and their interface with the outside world. There are very few devices I've controlled over the years that have dealt with us in the way DirecTV does. I don't know how many times I've shown up at the office one morning to a sh**tone of emails and phone calls from clients saying they could no longer control their DirecTV boxes... only to find out that overnight DTV sent out a firmware update that suddently turned off the rs232/IP control port or allowing control but no longer providing feedback or etc....
I finally got to where the only one I'd do is IR since they at least have to do it as well. Even there we all got burned a while back when they changed the pulse rate timeout so we woke up with all our DTV boxes endlessly scrolling up or down because our pulse times were now too long.
They don't publish the changes they intend on making until they are out and unleashed upon an unsuspecting control community.
All of this, of course, is nothing more than my opinion and in now way meant to defame their fine product.
Just curious. What is the basis for this statement?