Proper Use of AXB-NET
in AMX Hardware
I have an application where I think a pair of AXB-NETs would be appropriate. Having never used them before, I was hoping to get some advice.
I have a large college campus with a Netlinx master in one building. I would like to place a G3 panel in another building that is a considerable distance away. Rather than place a second master at the TP location, I would simply like to extend the Axlink, especially considering I already have a bunch of AXB-NETs to play with.
Any help appreciated!
I have an application where I think a pair of AXB-NETs would be appropriate. Having never used them before, I was hoping to get some advice.
I have a large college campus with a Netlinx master in one building. I would like to place a G3 panel in another building that is a considerable distance away. Rather than place a second master at the TP location, I would simply like to extend the Axlink, especially considering I already have a bunch of AXB-NETs to play with.
Any help appreciated!
Hi there,
Never used a AXB-net for that purpose but only for videoconference.
If you haven't done it already take a look at the AMX document 0321723.pdf.
In the programming section you find some interesting info about Server/Client
communication and on page 9 is a wiring sample of something i think that's what you mean.
Good luck
Just the mention of AXB-NET boxes sends shivers up my back. Before Netlinx they were a must, now I would never use one again. I have ran into many issues with these units in the past. Point to point is one thing but try to run multi boxes and let the fun begin. Spend the extra money and the NI-700, its well worth the extra cost in performance alone not to mention its much easier to program.
I have heard similar thoughts to yours from other people. In my application, it is simply point-to-point. Could you or anyone give me a $0.50 description of how to set these things up for Axlinx extension to one TP?
Thank you.
If you choose to go the AXB-NET route, here is some information which might be useful for you. Until recently, I used 2 AXB-NET devices to implement a remote AXT-MCP G3 touchpanel for first a Landmark system and then a Netlinx system and they worked flawlessly. Here is the basic setup for such a system.
First, configure one of the AXB-NET devices for Client mode. Give it an IP address, subnet address, gateway address, and specify Client Mode for the device when requested. In Client mode, you will also need to specify the IP address of the corresponding Server Mode AXB-NET which we will discuss next. Once you have finished configuring the client device, you are ready to connect your Axlink device to it. Wire the Axlink device (touchpanel) to the Axlink connector on the AXB-NET just as you would any other Axlink connector. You can power the Axlink device from the bus using the power supply to the AXB-NET depending on the current requirements of the device. You can also power the AXB-NET and the Axlink device independently in which case you would not connect the power wires between the Axlink device and the AXB-NET (standard Axlink wiring conventions).
Next, configure the 2nd AXB-NET device for Server Mode. You will need to provide it with an IP address, subnet address, and gateway address. Make sure that the IP address of the Server Mode device is the same as that specified as the Server for the Client Mode device in the previous step. The Server Mode device must be connected to the Master side Axlink bus just like any other Axlink device. You will probably choose to power the AXB-NET on the server side independently rather than powering it from the bus.
If you have successfully completed all of the steps, connect the AXB-NET devices to your Ethernet and observe that they are able to connect to each other. When working properly, you will see the Axlink light flashing on the NET devices indicating you have successfully extended the Axlink over the network. You will configure you remote touchpanel with a panel ID as you would normally and this panel should be online to the Master provided your NET devices are connected. Once connected, button events and data events from the panel work like the panel was connected locally.
Hope this helps -- it really is pretty simple to set up and it works reliably.
I have also used them as virtual devices to talk to devices via ethernet before NetLinx was available (does anyone remember WebLinx?).
These were great boxes, but if I was doing any type of Master-Master stuff, I would not use them.
I will follow the advice of the previous post in getting this up and running shortly.
Thank you very much.