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Modero won't wake up

Hi everyone.
The one day I take off and I find out this morning that yesterday I had 2 Modero panels that would not wake up. They required a hard boot before they would work. I know I started a thread about locking up already but when that issue happened the panel was aleast awake. Not the way to start my day. Has anyone else had a similar issue and if so how did you resolve it? :(


  • I just got done looking at the system logs and found that these 2 panels did indeed drop offline. Things that make you go HUMMMMM.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    Do you do IP connections or do you manage networks links from your program in your master ?

  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've seen this happen before, and I have never been able to nail down an exact cause or sequence of events that cause it. I have dramatically reduced the incidences of all manner of flakiness with Modero panels simply by assigning them a static IP. They don't seem to get along well with all DHCP servers.
  • All of my eqipment in the classrooms are static with the exception of laptops that are brought in by the client. I don't know if it caused by our network hick-cupping or the panel/master. I will be keeping a very close eye on the systems and if I can narrow it down then I'll post the findings.
    I do IP connections.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    I do IP connections.

    Something that can occur sometimes (but in all matters it won't crash moderos, just prevent it to be online) is to be out of sockets avalaible on NetLinx Masters. If you do a lot of IP_Client_Open or IP_Server_Open without never closing them, quickly you can get out of sockets avalaible and so if something happens on network, and panel disconnect from master, it won't be able to connect back !!

    Normally with latest Netlinx master firmware, number of avalaible sockets is pretty important (around 200 I think) so problem of that way should be more difficult to reproduce.

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