RS232 problems with Vidikron V40

in AMX Hardware
Hi Everybody
I have problems with serial port of NI3000 on V40 Vidikron projector.
Projector receive command, send feedback but it cause problem on my MVP8400. When projector is on, my MVP8400 loose feedback (channel feedback) on DVD page and DSS page. Plus, when I call system off my DSS receiver change channel ( DSS power is not include in call system off, and DSS is IR controled)
If I disconnect projector serial port, my MVP work fine.
I updated firmware with 2105_NI-X000_Master_v2_31_141.kit with out succes. Somebody can help me ?
I found some ideas in other forum treads but the problem still
I have problems with serial port of NI3000 on V40 Vidikron projector.
Projector receive command, send feedback but it cause problem on my MVP8400. When projector is on, my MVP8400 loose feedback (channel feedback) on DVD page and DSS page. Plus, when I call system off my DSS receiver change channel ( DSS power is not include in call system off, and DSS is IR controled)
If I disconnect projector serial port, my MVP work fine.
I updated firmware with 2105_NI-X000_Master_v2_31_141.kit with out succes. Somebody can help me ?
I found some ideas in other forum treads but the problem still
You might also try commenting out all of your feedback code for the projector and only have the comm module running and see if you get the same problem.
Tanks Jeff
I followed your recommandations and my problem was my code. Now it's works fine. I get just a little other problem and I will check it today
I've had some issues with a Vision 40 myself. I got around them, but I'm wondering how you (Jeff) were able to work with them.
My problem seemed to be that when I send multiple commands (Change Source - Change Aspect Ratio) that it would interfere with projector feedback. Essentially, when a command is sent, I noticed that the projector would send "feedback" which was more of a command receipt acknowledgement, and then a 1/2 second or so later, it would send a command execution acknowledgement. Somehow, if I sent a control command to it before the 2nd feedback was received, they would "collide" and cause the projector to lock up, no longer receiving / reacting to any commands sent to it.
My solution was to put the commands into a queue and separate sending them by about 1.5 seconds. This has worked fine, but I'm curious if you've been able to come up with something a little more solid that would eliminate these errors altogether.
Thank you,