Dynamic vs Static address

in AMX Hardware
I need to know wish way is better to take when I install Netlix hardware
In few weeks, ( I have to program my Lightinig Vantage system before) I will program my first Netlix system (my demo is already done) and I have to intall
NI2000 with 3 relay cards, COM-2 card, WAP200 with MVP8400 etc..
In this system, I will include Lightning Vantage system, audio multi-rooms system, Escient music server and Home theater.
My question is, in netlix network, wish is better to use, Static IP address or Dynamic address ?
Escient recommand to use TCP/IP connection on Escient server, I suppose as it has his own IP address.
Tanks for any advices
I need to know wish way is better to take when I install Netlix hardware
In few weeks, ( I have to program my Lightinig Vantage system before) I will program my first Netlix system (my demo is already done) and I have to intall
NI2000 with 3 relay cards, COM-2 card, WAP200 with MVP8400 etc..
In this system, I will include Lightning Vantage system, audio multi-rooms system, Escient music server and Home theater.
My question is, in netlix network, wish is better to use, Static IP address or Dynamic address ?
Escient recommand to use TCP/IP connection on Escient server, I suppose as it has his own IP address.
Tanks for any advices
Static IPs are the best if you can. If there are computers on the same network, and they're getting IPs from DHCP, be sure to assign your devices BELOW what the DHCP starts at. For instance, if it starts at 100, maybe assign your master, and start your touchpanels at, and then correspond the IP with the TP device number.
TP1 = 10001:01:00 //
TP2 = 10001:01:00 //
Also, document it ALL of the information in your code. The DNS, current public IP, gateway, everything (even phone numbers, address . . anything and everything.) If ANYTHING changes, be sure to document it. Lack of documentation will come back and bite you in the rear.
Not setting the master to a static IP . . . that'll be a headache if it changes for obvious reasons. At least set the master to be static.
TP1 = 10001:01:00 //
TP2 = 10002:01:00 //
I do agree on static IP when possible. It is more important on the master than the touchpanels. The only exception is if you desire the ability to VNC into the panels. If the installation area is large (say a couple of buildings seperated by up to 3/4 mile) it's so much nicer to VNC into the panel to check if the changes you made were effective
Make sure you talk to anyone else in charge of the network or anyone else that needs to use the network to verify that all network addresses are unique.
One more advantage of static IPs would be in the event a DHCP isn't available for some reason, you could still connect to the processor via IP.
Thanks guys!
I will do that.
static ips are certainly the way to go. but there is an alternative, which i am starting to use more and more. it's using network names.
if you give your panels/controllers a network name, then ideally you can always find it by name, without needing to know the ip number.
it's like a Local Area Network DNS (Domain Name Service).
you are probably all familiar with naming your computers for your networks. all netlinx devices do the same. check in the system connection menus.
so now, when i want to vnc, i can just enter the name 'kitchen' for example and the network will translate that name to the number automatically and locate the correct panel for me.
so then you can still use static ip numbers if you wish, but this system is also supported when using DHCP. some networks wont support it at all, so test the idea before using it within the environment you're installing in to.
even when using DHCP, i would not recommend it for servers and controllers, as other devices may still be looking for their numbers, not names; or can't translate names to numbers. but for panels there shouldn't be a problem. (some programs may have an issue with it though, all this needs testing before committing).
hope that didn't complicate things to much for you