NI-3000 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Problems....
in AMX Hardware
(ANyone else think there are entirely too many sub-forums around here?)
Been switching over our showroom to GIgabit Ethernet over the last week or so... Yesterday, I swapped the Netgear 8 Port Seitch that sat bvehind my main NI-3000 Out to a Linksys SD2005 Gigabit Switch(Basic.. Unmanaged). It all lit up fine (All Static IP's) and it was late so I assumed it was working and went home...
THis morning, we go to turn on the System and no go.. MVP-8400 is talking to the Internet, Ethernet etc etce tc but cant find the NI-3000....
After a reboot, it would come online until I hit a button.. Then dropped off again....
3 other devices hooked to this switch work fine.... CV-10, MS300 Mc Music Server, and the Belkin access pont we have in the room...
Swapped around the ports.... swapped out the Switch for a nother GIgibit switch... No Go...
Put the Netgear 8 Port 10/100 Switch back in...... Came right up.....
ANyone else having issues with NI-3000's and Gigabit? THis is an older unit... Probobly been int he showroom for a year and a half.. But its updated to the latest firmware.
Been switching over our showroom to GIgabit Ethernet over the last week or so... Yesterday, I swapped the Netgear 8 Port Seitch that sat bvehind my main NI-3000 Out to a Linksys SD2005 Gigabit Switch(Basic.. Unmanaged). It all lit up fine (All Static IP's) and it was late so I assumed it was working and went home...
THis morning, we go to turn on the System and no go.. MVP-8400 is talking to the Internet, Ethernet etc etce tc but cant find the NI-3000....
After a reboot, it would come online until I hit a button.. Then dropped off again....
3 other devices hooked to this switch work fine.... CV-10, MS300 Mc Music Server, and the Belkin access pont we have in the room...
Swapped around the ports.... swapped out the Switch for a nother GIgibit switch... No Go...
Put the Netgear 8 Port 10/100 Switch back in...... Came right up.....
ANyone else having issues with NI-3000's and Gigabit? THis is an older unit... Probobly been int he showroom for a year and a half.. But its updated to the latest firmware.
Check your Ethernet mode setting in a Telnet or terminal session. If the NI is in auto, try a fixed setting and see if helps.
Check out this tech note for more details.
If that's not an option, as suggested, take the master out of auto mode. It's my understanding that is the issue with the LinkSys - they can't lock on each other consistently between the two auto rate sensing protocols.